Want to see a touch of what we're up against?
This is the "family room" -- most of what we've got here is pictures. Oh and that's grandma's piano:

What I personally am up against--- I like to call this my scifi alley:

Here's my sister at work on her photographing odessey. This was yesterday -- china and glass day. And, because we're a family of documentors, that's my BIL taking a picture of my sister taking pictures of glassware. :)

And yes, the floor is textured and yellow and the cabinets are painted apricot -- no, my mom didn't have a vote in it! Beyond my BIL you can see a bit of the hideous wallpaper that graces half of that one wall. It's a lovely white with giant flowers and bamboo lattice in shades of brown. I'll have to take a picture of that for you tomorrow. Hmm, I'd better write that down or I'll forget.
Back to what we did today --- The closet stuff was a hoot. There were my high school graduation pics, old pics of our hometown, quilt blocks, my grandparents wedding book (think baby book, but about a wedding -- Keep in mind that they got married 1905-1910 --- someone gave my grandmother a book entitled A Thousand Ways to Please Your Husband. Dollars to donuts it included instructions on properly startching cuffs, and how to say "yes, dear" in all sincerity. lol), and the flag from my father's coffin. But also up there was a bag of the big bows on stakes that come in floral arrangements, a large quantitiy of tacky craft things bought at craft fairs and church sales for samples for my church's crafters club to use, and an unopened, giant puzzle of a pizza.
Say, wanna see what I collected from the button boxes? I figure these will be handy for biscornus and family samplers:
They are so very pretty!!!!

Speaking of biscornus, I also worked on side one of my first one today. I need to be working on my stitcher's exchange piece, but my sister says she can show me how to easily bury the knot on the buttons for the biscornu so I want to get that lesson before they leave for home. I picked the simplest pattern I could track down then edited out 1/4th of it. I may stitch part of the other side tonite. We'll see how the evening progresses. Hmm. let's see if I can track down the camera for a quick pic.....

Are you ready for Thanksgiving? I doubt I am. We've got all the groceries though. We're doing a turkey breast, dressing, frozen peas and onions, brussel sprouts, cheddar cheese biscuits, salad, carrots, celery, olive, deviled eggs, pumpkin pie, and pecan pie. We're figuring to give pie leftovers to the guys next door and to take some to a friend of mom's.
I'm getting chuckle out of the Friday plans -- my BIL and sister will be up and at Best Buy at 4am so they can hopefully get a number to enable them to buy a large, flt screen TV at a $500 discount. My BIL needs it for the museum he's on the board of directors of. A few hours after they get back from that adventure, my sister and I will go to Joann's for ornament supplies---fabric, felt, stuffing, ribbon, and styrofoam. The foam is because I've been thinking that if I can get/cut small enough hunks of fom, I could do "cube-its" as ornies. Oh, guess I better get pins too. :)
Oh yeah, right.... lol
You Are Jean Grey |
![]() Although your fate is often unknown, you always seem to survive (even after death). Your mind is your greatest weapon, literally! Powers: telepathy and telekinesis, the ability to project thoughts into the mind of others, communication with animals |
Words are our friends! So go make a new friend today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Vocabulary Score: A |
![]() Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary! You must be quite an erudite person. |
I seriously think you need an outside source to help you finish this "30 year" project.
I love the button!!!! I'm an old button collector myself. Just something about looking at them that make me smile.
I guess I could volunteer to come out there and help you. Interested in my help?????
Hugs and love!!!
lol You could come out and help, but you'd get just as lost in piles of buttons and such as we are :)
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