All that aside, here I am everso briefly to say hi and share a finish or two --
Drum roll please......

Yes she's done with all her little beads!

BTW, I'm planning on picketing Mill Hill someday. I believe we should all support legislation require MH to make beads that fit over a size 28 needle. I mean, it's not like beading needles are threadable. My powwow beads almost always fit over a 28. If they can do it so can Mill Hill!!!! I believe that usable beads are an inalienable human right. Aside from my pending protest action I am quite proud of myself. I FINISHED a MIRABILIA! hee heee I'm feeling quite smug.
I also completed or nearly completed a couple ornies --

Oh and I completed replacement squares for Tuula in Fair and Square. She never got her squares from her partner in round 7 so I hopped in when Vonna asked. Now, I can't show the squares to you for 2 very good reasons. First, Tuula doesn't have them yet. Second, lame ole me forgot to take a picture before I sent them. I know, I know. I take pictures of darn near anything that doesn't actively jog away from me and yet I missed those squares. Sigh. I'm lame.
Aside from stitching and working, I've been very, very bad. Not only did I go buy MORE BOOKS last night --

But I bought my ticket to the Cross Stitch Pals Fall Fling!!!! It really is great fun so if you are thinking about needing a stitching retreat this one is darn affordable and the folks are really, really fun. Annnnd I think Chris and I still have space left in our house. You'd be able to meet Amy and Mel and Moniquee and a bunch more goofy ladies! Awww come on. You'll have fun! For the record, I signed up only for the ornie finishing class. Chris however is taking them all I think. lol It's a real role reversal for us. Usually I'm in every class and she's footloose and fancy free.
I leave you with this shot that makes me giggle. I caught this in a parking garage --

Oh come on! Noah's AC. lol
Your Halloween Fairy is beautiful! Congratulations on an awesome job!
Woohoo! Congratulations! She's gorgeous! You have every right to be smug!
Halloween Fairy is awesome! maybe i will finish mine someday here.
And I will be right there with you about MH beads! they need to fit a 28 size needle!
Will see you in a few short weeks in MB. I cannot wait, i so need a vacation away from reality here at home! I am taking all of the classes again this year. just waiting for my kit to come so i can start my smoking needles. LOL
Woohoo Big Happy Dance. Congrats on the Halloween Fairy. How nice of you to stitch those replacement squares. I am sure they are stunning. Love the airconditioning sign LOL
No need to apologize for not blogging. Everyone has a Real Life somewhere.
You should really enjoy the Rachel Caines. I interviewed her at Conjecture a couple of years ago. Nice lady. Unfortunately she has gotten into the teenage vampire genre and I just can't abide whiny teens.
I would love to go with you to Myrtle Beach, but we will be in Europe then. I've only been there August! Not the best time to go, but that is my mother-in-law's favorite vacation spot and August was the only time the entire family could go. I do remember a FABULOUS Indian restaurant and some very amazing three story miniature golf courses. Have fun.
Congrats on the Halloween Fairy finish!
My husband watched some of the handball and said he'd never seen anything like it. Maybe it's like the whole football/soccer thing...our version of football is quite different than the rest of the world's, so maybe our handball is the same. ???
Congratulations on your Halloween Fairy finish, she's lovely!
Lovely finish. Maybe I should put the Christmas fairy on my list for September...
Great finish! She'll look lovely hanging in my house *grin*
I can't wait for MB and to see you guys again!! I'm taking all the classes too .. come on Ruthie, sign up with us so we can all spew water all over!
Hi Ruth,
Congratulations on finishing "Halloween Fairy"! Wahoo!!!
And two more ornaments? You were busy stitching during the Olympics.
Missed the Handball but caught a little bit of everything else.
Windy Meadow
Congrats on finishing Halloween Fairy, she came out great ;)
Halloween Fairy is stunning. You did a wonderful job. Will you be leaving her at my LNS in October to be framed? I need to get working on ornaments for the PALS Fling.
So..... what are you stitching on now?
WOW! Halloween Fairy is simply beautiful! Congrats on the finish.
She's gorgeous!!! What a wonderful job you have done. I'm so jealous of all the ladies who are going to the PALS fling. I'm gonna shoot for next year, though.
Oooh she is beautiful Ruth!
Well done on a beautiful finish Ruth.
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