Among the other sculptures in the square between the government buildings is

“On the War Trail” by Stephen Knight
And this lovely lion – one a of a pair that flank the stairs leading from the square to the museum triangle

Apparently a gift of Alfred and Anna Adamo (who also donated the Columbus statue from the previous post).
Upon making it to the lawn of the Denver Art Museum I found “Wheel” by Hock E Aye Vi Edgar Heap of Birds

If you want to read more about it, visit its page at the Art Museum. They are really cool, possibly not so if you don’t like modern art. As a rule I don’t, but these are downright nifty. Probably it helps that I’ve spent years in Indian history.
This piece is in front of the Libeskind building

Sorry, I neglected to get its particulars. If you happen to know, I’d be grateful. Behind it in the picture are the “museum apartments.” For excessive amounts of money, you too could live across the patio from the museum –

I also missed the name of the giant whisk broom. Sorry. It still cracks me up.
And these giant cows live at the back end of the Libeskind building.

I missed their name too. I think at this point I was in desperate need of caffeine. Lord knows I was certainly thinking that I shouldn’t have packed the sun block before exploring the city.
Had the art museum been open on Monday, I would have headed in to visit this exhibit.

Sigh it was not to be. So instead my next stop was a museum that WAS open – The Colorado Historical Society.

I have to admit that I didn’t have high hopes, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. They’ve done a marvelous job here. I figured to spend an hour, but stayed for two and a half. It’s a lovely little place (and, actually, not all that little). The gift shop offers a small refrigerator case including water (bless them!), and some nice, but over-priced goodies. The exhibits are good enough to make allowances for over-pricing. There was this marvelous timeline the length of the room—

Which included this wonderful sign from WWI.

They have a temporary display on women of the Range from which I couldn’t resist this little froth of lace from the hem of a wedding dress in the exhibit

Then there was this alien ribcage

Well, it looks like an alien ribcage, right? It’s actually a motor section on some sort of mining equipment. Still, in honor of Denvention I shall always think of it as “the alien ribcage.”
The Historical Society also has a nice display on Native American life including a case of school jerseys featuring Indian mascots and then this lovely:

Lol Be annoyed if you want, but I’m a supporter of the people-aren’t mascots campaign.
Of course there is the possibility that my fondness for the Historical Society rests squarely on one sign –

I think it sums up my life/work handily. I think I’ll stitch it in a sampler!
I left the lovely air conditioning of the Museum for lunch at

…. Yup, the Denver Public Library. They have a tiny, but nice café. I didn’t try the gelato, but I can recommend the chicken breast sandwich, and the Coke had never tasted better. BTW, don’t you have to love a city that has giant building-covering banners in support of its library?! BTW, they have this cool sculpture/sign on one side –

I wandered from the library over to the state capitol by way of the Veterans monument—

On the steps of the Capitol are three official mile-high markers. One is the initial marker, the carved stair was added to thwart folks who kept stealing the button marker. The final marker was added after science geeks (no disrespect meant, it’s a term of honor, honestly) worked out that the marker was about a foot shy of actually being at a mile above sea level.

What I thought was my final shot on the capitol grounds was this one—

A view from the mile-high marker to the Civil War Memorial, the Veterans Memorial, and back across the central park to the city/county building. Quite a vista. Anyway, I thought it was to be my last pic there, but then I met a friend –

He looked as hot as I felt. But I think he was faking it.
The final pic of the day ended up being of part of a fountain that memorializes the pioneer settlers of Denver –

I like shooting water when I can get it to work to my advantage. Lol
Thanks for bearing with me on my Denver adventure. I certainly wish I'd have had another day or two to explore. I'd say if you were looking for an interesting long weekend trip or a place to have a convention, I'd recommend Denver.
Apologetic note: It was a really sunny day when I was wandering the city so a lot of the time I was shooting these pictures blind. So, please pardon the angles and framing.
These are really cool pictures, especially the modern art (which I like). I'm glad you took them because I could never do all that walking at that altitude. I was lucky to last as well as I did while driving.
I think your pictures rock - no need to apologize for angles, etc. I really like the bird gate (of course) and my mom would be all over that lion statue.
I'm in awe that there is a public library with a cafe. Wow, what a concept.
Denver sounds like a very cool city.
Love the pics. I really love the lion statue. I would love to have a huge lion statue in my garden, or a real one, lol.
Your pictures are amazing and I really got a feel for the city. Thank you so much for sharing as I doubt I will ever get to visit Denver and now I feel I 'know' it.
Ruth your photos are awesome. Sometimes my broom and dustpan do feel that big, as many times as I sweep up after the men folk. LOL.
My BIL lives in Denver, from seeing all this I'll have to get DH to go visit him now. I've been to the East of Louisiana buy never the West so thanks for the photos.
Hi Ruth,
I enjoyed seeing your Denver pictures, especially the ones of the flowers.
You made some nice progress on your projects even with all of your con adventures!
Windy Meadow
I loved your pictures of Denver. We have been there several times when our oldest DS lived there, but never got to spend too much time "doing" the city!! I do remember a really cool book store not far from the stadium that was fun. Maybe if you go back I can find out the name of it - LOL!!
ruth, you got some awesome pics!
Fabulous pictures! Thank you for sharing your trip with us! It sounds like you had a wonderful time at the convention!
I passed the "I Love Your Blog" award on to you, just to let you know how much I enjoy visiting your blog! Feel free to pass it on to others!
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