Ok here's the trip report so far:
Day 1:
Leave LAX via gate 1 and get a message from the fates--

Those are some of the hall art pieces on the tunnel that leads to gate 1. See, fate called me to WorldCon.
Arrive at Denver Intl Airport which is really nicely arranged. It seems to be very efficient too -- when I got to baggage pickup my suitcase was just sliding out onto the roundabout. I mean you can't ask for better timing than that, right?
Check in to my one-night hotel on the fringe. I was too late to get a room for the first night in one of the con's 7 hotels so I made do. It was an adequate place and the bed was really comfy, but I am happy to be up near the convention center now -- no pealing bathtub paint, no broken coffee maker (I hope-- I haven't tried it in the new hotel), no broken elevators, no non-functional internet, etc. [Oh, and when I went to fill out the comment card in the room, it was already filled out -- by a guest who stayed there 6 weeks ago. lol]
Headed to the convention center to meet up by the Big Blue Bear --

(Ain't he cool?????)
-- anyway at Blue's feet I met up the person whose "spare" membership I was buying. I'm soooo lucky! She'd already registered and sussed out where the transfers line was. It was a blissfully short 2 people--- a real godsend since regular preregistration pickup was INSANE. I should have taken a picture but then you would never come to WorldCon. If I had to go through those lines at my first con I'm not sure there would have been a second one. We went from registration to the dealer's room where I picked up 4 books from Glen Cook (He's a bookstore and a writer and I try to buy my books from him when I can so he has plenty of backing for his writing.)

Aren't they pretty? They're so decorative. And fun too!
I also checked out some of our sporting activity options:

We get up to some funky stuff at cons. lol
My programs for Day 1 were Programmable Matter with Wil McCarthy; 2008 the Year in Science Fiction (David Hartwell, Jonathan Strahan, Charles Brown, and Gary Wolfe); Age and Wisdom (older characters in SF) (Elizabeth Moon, Larry Niven, Lois McMaster Bujold, Margaret Bonham, and Robert Silverberg). I got a nice collection of cool books to check out and a number of chuckles.
Here are the folks from the Age and Wisdom panel:

from left to right: Lois McMaster Bujold, Elizabeth Moon, Margaret Bonham, Robert Silverberg, and Larry Niven
Quotes of Day 1:
"It's a mentor's job to ment." Robert Silverberg
"My life is just a big blob. It never turned the corner into plot." Elizabeth Moon
"It's really a great background for a writer to have made lots and lots of stupid mistakes." Elizabeth Moon
Stitching of Day 1 --

Yes, she's all DONE but the beads!!!!! Yahooooo
In case one memo from Fate (ie. the art at LAX) weren't enough, check out the light fixtures here at the Denver Convention Center--

Come on -- those are definitely UFOs!

DAY 2:
Up extra early to evac to my new digs at the Crowne Plaza. lol My buddy Elaine who conferences frequently in Denver was right, the bathroom sink is weird and not so very functional.

Yes, that is the entire counter space for the room, and, yes, the sink is set back a full foot from the edge of the counter.
Day 2 seems to have been a reading day for me -- I went to readings by Carrie Vaughn

She's quite funny and very nice -- now I need to go get the rest of her books. dang, more book shopping. What a bummer!
And by Stephen Baxter

He read us a wonderful story that I simply have to go find!
And by George R.R. Martin

Who did a marathon hour and a half of reading from a story that's not coming out until 2010. Talk about a tease!
I finished up the day's panels at the DAW Books forthcoming books slideshow. Cool stuff is coming our way!
I also went to a singing by Glen Cook -- happy happy. And picked up some more books --

That pic doesn't include any of the gift books I bought so if you wee something there you like, it's not for you! lol
I finished up day 2 at the Chesley Awards -- well, the Chesley nominations this year. Seems they've had problems this year and weren't ready for their membership to vote in time so we ha a slideshow and presentations on the nominees and then a great reception at the art show with all sorts of delectable goodies. I shared cookies with one artist who does the most amazing pictures. She paints and her husband custom builds these tremendous frames. Absolutely mind-blowing frames. If I had space and $3000 to spare one of them would come home with me. It'll make someone very happy somewhere.
That puts me back at my hotel at 11pm, crashing my computer trying to get office stuff done, and now visiting with ya'll since the work thing just keeps killing my poor computer. Dang, I'm tired!
Day 2 stitching:

This will get a charm of some sort in the center.

That's an in process piece -- I still have one row of "frame" to go and I need to figure out what I want to put at the bottom.... I'm leaning to "Christmas 2008."
By the way, this is the stitching I brought --

Hey, I'm a mood stitcher! I have to have options!!!!! At least several options! lol
I'm going to bed. Maybe I'm sleepier at higher altitudes?
Chris, if you're reading this, can you email me at yahoo about the dates of Pals? When I looked before I left there were two sets of dates on the page. Bless you!
I'm exhausted just reading your post!
I hope you took an extra case to carry all those books home.
What pattern did you use for the piece with the holly in each corners? I really like that.
Oh what a lot of fun, Ruth!
This is near enough to Niek's birthday that if we are in the US next summer, I should seriously look into making some sort of arrangements for him to attend. He'd love-love-love it!!
ROTFLMAO!!! And I thought *I* overpacked stitching when traveling. Too funny! And I love the gigantic blue bear. But like Carol, I'm exhausted after reading your blog too. Your excitment about your present location is well conveyed!
Hi Ruth! Looks like you are having a great time, good for you!!! I pack my stitching like you, i need ALOT of options for the right mood! LOL great minds think alike! Enjoy your time there!! hugs, karen
Sorry we haven't met up yet. You seem to have done a lot more than I have! I haven't been to any panels. I usually go to George's reading, but I was stuck at Site Selection while my friend Mark went to Costco to get supplies for the Australia in 2010 party. We went out to Denver's best restaurant with some foodie friends last night. But I have gotten four books signed (Scalzi and Rothfuss) and have a ton more that will be signed in the next couple of days. We should try to meet up for the Hugo awards on Saturday night.
It looks like a lot of fun!!! That sink is crazy. A foot of counter space between you and the sink?!? Good heavens!
I love reading this post. I read Charlaine harris and Carrie Vaughn. I have read one by Jim Butcher and loved it. Wish I could be there. Sounds like a lot of fun.
WHAT?!!!! You got to sit in on a reading with Carrie Vaughn!!! You're such a freakin' lucky stiff. Damn that Christine for showing me your blog. LOL!!!
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