Anyway, on to more interesting tales.
I did have this alleged "break" in work the weekend before last. I dog/house sat. Now don't get excited, it wasn't the resort, but this one did have a LIVE animal. Meet Buster --

I'll have to tell you more about my adventures with Buster later ..... they deserve their own day and I have other "busienss" for today.
While MIA I did a little stitching that I can share. I say that because ,ost of what I got up to in my spare 10 minutes over the last couple weeks has been Round 8 for Janice at Fair and Square. Since her envelop is sealed and sitting on my office desk about 8 blocks away from me at the moment, the chances it'll get mailed before Monday are slim and certainly you don't want me to spoil her surprise. So, before I get to my pathetic stitching progress, let me show you all the totally cool squares Janice stitched for me. They are part of Valerie Pfeiffer's Chorus Line pattern --

Am I lucky or what? I just love these guys! Janice included a note with them saying that sometimes she (and certainly me) is the patiently listening bird while sometimes she is the can't seem to stop talking bird. lol Story of my life! Thanks, Janice!!!!
Me? Stitch? Oh yeah, I think I do that? I wonder if I remember how?
Over the last couple weeks I have worked my way through JABC's stocking ornie (somehow this took waaaaaay longer than the Christmas tree of theirs that I did)

I've also made heady progress on my Halloween fairy--

In case you can't spot the difference, she now has all of her boots and 4/5ths of her leaves. Yeah, that's some progress worth swooning over! What's that?--- maybe 60 stitches? Woo hoo!!! Call the press! Sheesh.
Buuuuuuut, the fairy leads me to MUCH happier news. You see, I was/am planning on taking her with me to work on when I go to..... wait for it...... DENVENTION ! That's right, boys and girls, yours truly is dragging her sorry self to the World Science Fiction Convention in Denver next week. Just thinking about it makes me happy! 5 days of blissful immersion in scifidom -- all scifi books, all scifi movies, all scifi jewelry (ok, sometimes it's not so scifi), all scifi authors, all scifi everything! Sheer bliss, people, sheer bliss. I'll get to hang with Kathryn. [Go on over and visit her-- she understands the needs of the scifi-book-crazed fan.] Many wonderful authors will be there including a couple of my favorites, Sharon Shinn (who should have won tthe Campbell -- I voted for her. What was wrong with the rest of you???) and Glen Cook (If you haven't read the Garrett series, shoo, go read. If you don't like it then, well, I can't help you be entertained. Sorry. Maybe you should see what Oprah's book o the month is.). And yes, fair friends, I think I plan on taking some of my unsigned volumes of theirs along for the trip. Well? It's not like I need 3 pairs of shoes along, right? And they do give you shampoo. lol Yes, I admit it. I am a pathetic scifi book sl*t.... err wh*re... errr fanatic. So deal.
Who knows, frequently the publishers bring free gifts. I like free gifts. [That'd be gifts=books in case you were wondering.] Gifts are good at WorldCon. And whether they do or not the huckers (ie. vendors) room will be full of the opportunity to buy books -- afterall, Glen Cook is a bookseller and I need to support his writing, right? It's my civic duty.
By the way, now is not the time to mention that Denver temperatures have been in the triple digits this week. Sigh. I guess all things can't be perfect.
Regardless of the weather, here's how excited I am about the adventure. I have for at least the last week had a "pre-pack" bag on the floor (in my way daily). It's got the socks, the jeans, the t-shirts. I even cleaned out my make up bag and restocked it. Yes, I could not find time for more than a few hundred sttiches, but by all that's holy I have pre-packed for WorldCon!!!! lol That, probaby better than anything, explains me.
You do know what this adventure of mine means for you, right? You get a week of pics from Denver and probably a decent amount of stitching updates since pretty much what I do is sit in panels and stitch (unless they turn the lights out). See, WorldCon IS wonderful! heee heee
Talk to ya'll later. I have to go catch up on what you've been up to!
Whoo! Hoo!! Denvention!!! We leave Monday, but we are DRIVING!!!! And you know what that means. I can take MORE books. (And bring back more books). Right now I have TWENTY SEVEN authors that I want to sign books. Will I be standing in line for ever? I hope not because I am supposed to be working Site Selection for Australia in 2010. James is working Treasury. How nice to be going to Worldcon and not be in charge of anything.
Ruth you are a hoot. Have a great time
Ohhh Buster is a darling!!!!! =D
When you have the time, take a look at my blog:there´s something there for you! =P
Have a great time Ruth!
All your stitching looks fantastic. I love the JBW stocking. Love the colours.
I have finally taken my hallloween fairy to the framer. I will send you a photo when i get it bacl
Love Margaret in Australia
I have finally taken halloween fairy to the framers. I will post a photo when I have her back.
Love Margaret in Australia
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