My Aunt Anna Lou passed away last month. She was an avid gardener (a sheer magician with roses including the George Burns rose pictured above which graced her front garden), a collector of antique bottles (for which she and her family scoured dumps for years), a bird watcher, a lover of a good-quality chili dog (with fries), a Cher fan, and a woman for whom no drive was too far if there was a good dance band at the end of the road.
I got the call on my Aunt's passing while I was in San Francisco to cheer for my sister and BIL and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Team in Training folks in general at the Nike Women's Marathon.

After 13.1 or 26.2 miles would you be motivated?:

Nike weekend for us and the National Capitol TNT team always includes a delicious sojourn to the Ferry Terminal's farmers' market--

Those are my personal tradition -- a breakfast of misc smoked fish with yummy toppings.

Nope, I did not try the Tongues of Fire -- although they looked really cool.

There were beautiful flowers everywhere.

There was an awesome donut stand offering these temptations.

There was a spice merchant with a lovely science fiction sense of humor.

And beautiful tomatoes caught my eye.
It was a beautiful day and a perfect weekend. Aunt Anna Lou would have approved.
For today, that's it. I'll see you soon with much stitching.
Don't forget to toss your name in the blogiversary draw (from yesterday) if you are so inclined.
I'm so sorry to hear of your aunt's passing. I know you will miss her. Lovely pics of the marathon and the farmer's market.
What a lovely lady! Hugs to you, Ruth! Lovely pictures too.
I am sorry for your loss.
Sad news.
What a beautiful way to celebrate your Aunt's life.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Love your pictures, Ruth.
Sorry to hear about your Aunt Anna Lou. Such sad news.
You were in my 'hood. I hope you had fun in SF despite the sad news. The Ferry Building is always fun...and delicious.
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