Well, that's us save for Nicole who was nursing a sore back (and World Series hopes).
By the way, Amy has a shot up on her page of all the Pals bloggers and a picture of me taking pictures.... apparently I do a lot of that. lol And yes, Amy, I'll get to the lampshade, trust me!
To try and save my narrative sanity, I'm going to bundle the report by topics rather than the actual timeline of events. Bear with me....
Jane of Fancy Works (who has a nice blog you can visit her at had a series of classes over the course of the weekend. I only took the ornament class which was really wonderful. I have to say that if you get a chance to take a class with Jane, you shuold. She's calm and she times her class well so that you can keep up without getting either stalled waiting for folks or completely lost. She's got great ideas and tips, and apparently abundant patience.
We did have a little wonderful excitement in class. Mel got a call during class that they might have a heart for her mom who has been waiting on the transplant list. If you check her blog it seems that it was a match and mom is doing better and better!!!! Ya gotta love those miracles.
Before she left I did manage to get a cute picture of Mel and Susan--

I forced my table of ornamentors into a group picture at the end of class --

That's me, Chris, Jane, Karen, Marva, and Steph.
Here's some of us in action in class --


Chris (finishing her own laddering... she finished mine later, God bless her!)

Steph (check out the cute cat backing -- hmm, somehwere I have a picture of the front of her piece....)

Found it!....

That's my piece -- with my CORDING! I've never made cording before, but my buddy Laurie helped and now I have some lovely cording to attach. Maybe I'll even endeavor to do some more on my own. Cross your fingers!

That's Karen giving me her best bugger-off look -- she had 4 or 5 ornies to finish in class and was not to be disuaded from her exceptionally productive path!

Here's a bunch gathereed around her Jane's lessons -- standing in the white shirt is Lynn, seated next to her is Myra the Hussy (I'll explain later), that's Steph next to her, then Jane, then the back of Laurie's head, and a lovely shot of Renee's hat.
Jane also brought along a collection of her ever so tempting pieces--

There are more of them in my webshots alblum if you want to follow the photos along.
Next I'd like to share where I did my fair share of stashing.....

That's Mary of M Designs and CrossStitch-ville and her brood (although the littlest imp in the back is Miss Emily who was visiting her Fall Fling best buddies rather than sitting with her mommy at our table)
And here's were I did my stashing -- in Mary's shop on the road....

And Mary seduced me with The Perfect fabric for the LK fip its I've been waiting to start --

I HAD to get that fabric. I just had to! Now I'm itching to start that pattern. Great another WIP. Just what I need! Thanks a lot, Mary.
And check out the cool framer Mary has --

Ok, that's it for now. I might be back later tonite, but I'll certainly be back later this week with more photo essays on all the Fall Fling fun.
Hugs everyone..... may all your frogs be scenic!
Oh, that looks like a wonderful time!! Fantastic pictures. :o)
No wonder it took you so long to shop! You were busy taking pictures!
I think we need to start a SAL for the LK flip-its - regular and/or Christmas.
I love all your pics. Can't wait to hear how you explain Myra the hussy since Michele won the "sucking" game. ;)
OY! i was giving you the "bugger-off" look wasn't I? LOL (not a good pic of me let me tell you, i do smile)
What great fun we all had!!!! love ya girl!
Hi Ruth,
Wonderful pictures and it looks like everyone was having a wonderful time!
How many ornaments did you finish? Pictures?
I'm looking forward to hearing more about the Fall Fling!
Windy Meadow
Looks like you had a great time. Great pictures.
I am going to have to steal a couple of your pix!! I have not started my MB story yet, I only had time for the NC portion of the trip. Your description of the events is so enjoyable!!
Ohhh I am jealous, I want to have something like that here too;-)))
Seems like you have a lot of fun together:-))
Great pictures Ruth! I'm so glad I'm not in any of them! LOL! :)
Good times had by ALL!!!
Thanks for sharing your photos. Looks like another fun-filled weekend in MB!
Great pictures! It looks like you had a fantastic time! I love the fabric you got for you LK Flip-It's!
Great pictures Ruth. Can't wait to see "report #2".
Oh, Ruth, those pics make me miss not being there even more!. Looks like you guys had so much fun as usual!
Oh, Ruth, those pics make me miss not being there even more!. Looks like you guys had so much fun as usual!
Such great pictures, and wow beautiful ornaments on show.
Love the fabric you have chosen for the LK flip-its.
thanks so much for sharing. I have been enjoying pics on everyones blogs.
I can't begin to imagine a gathering of so many stitching fanatics. It must be the best fun ever and it looks as though you were enjoying ever minute :)
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