Jeez, another year? How did that happen? I swear just the other day it was 2000 and all was ok with the world. Sigh.
In honor of the impending day I'm going to have a little giveaway. Besides the anniversay to celebrate, I have in the past few months been lucky enough to be included in 3 PIFs. But I know everyone's pretty busy for the time being so I thought that I'd turn the PIFs into RAKs. So, for my blogiversary, up through the actual day of the event (my time), just leave a comment on this post and I'll toss you in the hat for for a little something. For now I'm not saying how many people will "get lucky" or how lucky they might get. But I'll do something fun.
Thanks to all of you for celebrating with me.
Edited to add: P.S. PIF=pay it forward (ie. Someone does something for you, you do a similar something for someone else.); RAK=random act of kindness (ie. Someone randomly does a "kindness" for/to you.)
Count me in!
What is a PIF? I'm sure it's something simple but this mind ain't clicking right now! LOL!
Happy Blogiversary to You!!
Congrats on your upcoming blogiversary! Please throw my name in too, thanks :)
I want to get lucky!
Hi Ruth,
I'm in! :-)
Windy Meadow
congrats, and please put my name in the hat, thanks
Dern it, Anna VS beat me to it, but I'll say it anyway...
I wanna get lucky! ;-)
Happy Blogoversary my dear friend. It's thanks to you and Marva that I started by blog. I would love to be included in your drawing.
Whohoo!!! Happy Blogaversary Ruth!! Toss my name in the hat please!
Happy Blogiversary!! I like surprises so put my name in.
Congratulations on your blogiversary!
Please include me :)
Congratulations on the blogaversary
Hello please count me in. I check your blog every day but am a "lurker" rather than a comment leaver.
Early blogiversary congratulations. Count me in also.
sign me up gf :)
Happy Blogiversary!!!!
Happy Blogoversary!
Happy Blogiversary, Ruth!!
Happy blogoversary! Count me in please
Ok like Yvonne what is PIF? We must have drank the same water. LOL
Congrats on your blogiversary! Pleae include me in the drawing.
HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!! I wanna chance to get lucky. LOL
I know that PIF is Pay It Forward but what is RAK?
Oh, pick me, pick me! LOL
Love ya Ruthie!
Happy Blogiversary Ruth! Please count me in! :)
Happy Blogoversary, Ruth! Your blog has always been a favorite of mine!
Please include me in your drawing! Maybe I'll get lucky, haha!
Congratulations for a one year more of sharing your love for Stitching with us!!
Many years more of a successful blog :)
RAK (I had to ask about this one several months ago) .... Random Acts of Kindness.
Congratulations on your blogiversary! Please put my name in too!
Thanks Hildit
Hello, please add me also
And thanks!
Happy Blogiversary! Please add my name. Thanks. BTW, loved all the Pals Pix! Wish I had gone too!
Congrats on your blogoversary! I'd love to be included in this exciting draw!
Congratulations on your upcoming blogiversary! I'd love to be included in your drawing. :D
Happy bloggerversary!!
I would like to join in the draw, thanks.
Wow, it's so kind of you! Congrats on your blogaversiry. Count me in for this RAK of yours :)
Love, Marlies
Please throw my name in the hat. Thanks.
Well look at this list!
Can I be added too please?! :)
Feliz aniversario, y muchos dias de hermoso bordado, gracias por las fotos compartidas...
Ruth, Please enter me in your drawing! congrats on your blogiversay.
Happy Blogoversary!! Please throw my name in the hat!
Happy Blogoversary! I'd love to be entered in the drawing.
I would love to be included Ruth. Congratulations on your soon to be blogoversary!
Happy Blogiversary! I would love to be included in your giveaway. Please stick my name in the drawing.
add me to please!!!
Hi Ruth, thank you for visiting my blog. I have just been browsing through yours and it is fantastic. I love all the photos. I am quite isolated where I am, apart from the odd farmer and many cows, so it was great to see all your friends and the fantastic (and many) things you have all stitched.
Re: your comment about Pratchett...yes bad things happen but they usually work out. The man is a genius isnt he! Who else would name a character 'Moist' eeeewwwwww.
I have tagged your blog so I can visit more often. Love the idea of a RAK. Lovely.
You gotta be happy that there are this many folks who come to enjoy your story telling skills!!
Happy Blogiversary
Congrats Ruth! Please put my name in your draw.
Happy Blogoversary!
Please count me in, thanx!
Oooh if I'm not too late I'd love to be in the draw!! xx
I'd like to enter too please. Congratulations and happy blogiversary to you :)
Happy Bloggerversary!
Happy Blogiversary! Oh I just loved seeing all these photos you've taken at your Pals gathering, it seems like you had such great time!!
with 51 comments before me I guess I dont stand much chance but never mind I will try anyway Ruth.
Happy Blogoversary - and watch for mine towards the end of November.
Hi Ruth!
Been awhile since I have been here to visit, but wow! it looks great... I have missed so much! I also just entered you in my Scissor Contest ... Thank you for commenting on my blog this past year....
Happy Stitching!!
I love reading your blog, looking at the pictures but I must admit it made me tear up just a little! You don't know how much I wanted to attend PALS this year! It would have been great to see you, the rest of the PALS and Tracey again. I miss her so much!!!
Thanks for posting the pics!!
Please enter me in your PIF!
Happy Blogiversary! Very kind of you to offer up RAK's :)
I would love to be entered in the celebration drawing. Happy Blogaversary!!!
Thank you for posting the wonderful pics of the PALS Fall Fling. I unfortunatly could not make it.
Congrats on your Blogiversary! Please throw my name in too.
Thanks, Linda in MA
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