Want further proof of my doomedness? I always carry around a little spiral notebook I refer to as “The Book.” The Book takes all my “scribbling of import” – humorous or thoughtful quotes, book shopping lists, stash shopping lists, etc. A couple months before a trip The Book becomes The Trip Book and starts hosting a series of progressively more detailed packing and travel plans. In short, it keeps my head screwed on straight. At the moment, I can’t find The Book. 3 days til departure and I can’t find The Book. OMG I’m doomed.
That patriotic piece I plan/hope to leave at Chris’ LNS for framing has made it this far:

Not nearly far enough! If I can start backstitching on the plane I’ll be ecstatic. Cross your fingers!!!!
The problem with the patriotic piece is my ornament class necessities –

I wanted to take 3 ornaments of the pointed banner type for the finishing class. The above is #2. And #2 is causing me a problem. You see all I got last night is maybe 30 stitches passed where I was in this picture, but that included a tie off and on. The problem is that before that tie off I got one stitch too many in the central motif of the border. Sigh. Time to frog some stitching. Oh and if you were liking this ornie it's an adjustment of what appeared in one of the JCS' by Fancy Work. There was a bird on the original one that look like a baby chick which didn't, I feel, go with the rest of the piece. I also switched out a bunch of the colors for more appropriate ones. For the record, as a rule, every bird does not have brown legs. Sure, I'm picky about my birds--- it comes from growing up with hundreds of them in my backyard, but it's not like you can't look around and notice that birds don't have 3371 legs.
Below is ornament #1—

I have to design #3 still. lol Like that’s going to happen.
Here’s hoping I have a clearer picture of life by Sunday when allegedly I should be packing!
P.S. Damn. Another show! Who else is counting the days to the start of Leverage?
I so sure you'll be ready for your retreat in time! I'm now counting the days until mine! Two weeks!!!
I'm sure your ornies will be grat and I hope you find "the book"
My dear.... we do have Zicam and AAA batteries in stores here in Raleigh (and we probably could find them in MB also). SO, if you forget to pack either of them, I'm quite sure we can find them here.
Oh fab! beautiful work!!
Sounds like your heading for a really fun time. Take care and enjoy.
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