First I started AND finished Shepherd's Bush tiny America sampler kit -- I still need to iron it and attach the button, but the stitching is all done

If you have an in with SB could you please share my pet peeve with their sits that come with matting -- they cut the mat as if it doesn't need to go under the edge of the frame moulding which means when framed the mats look really strange... like somehow you were too lame to realize you needed an extra 1/4 inch on all sides to make the piece look right.
I also finished two in process pieces:

That's Blackbird Designs ornie from one of the JCS issues

this is last week's leftover -- Cherished Stitches' ornie from one of the JCS issues
I've also started another new piece, but someone lame (ahem) forgot to take a picture of it. Oh well, it'll wait. And, yes, I know, I needed another in-process piece like I needed a hole in my head.
Belatedly I can share a pic of a PIF I finally sent to Mel --

Thanks for the opportunity to stitch for you, Mel!
I even made it to the post office-- you know, that shouldn't be a minor miracle considering the post office is only across the street from my office! lol How is it so difficult for me to leave my office once I'm in? Anyone else have that problem. Anyway, I made it to the post office which means some packages should be arriving to some folks soon. Fingers crossed.....
Say, did anyone catch the premier of In Plain Sight? I taped it and will probably watch tonite. I have high hopes. If it doesn't pan out at least I have the return of The Closer and Burn Notice to look forward to.
Congrats on the continued finishathon! I like the blackbird ornie, very cute. :)
Great finishes!! WTG!! you are my hero RUth! LOL I am going to take a pic of ALL of my WIP's/UFO's like you did and hope that will be inspiration enough for me to get finishing on them. hugs
Fabulous finishes Ruth! Congrats. I saw In Plain Sight-I liked it. We like all the same shows-the other two are favorites too.
thank you for your note about that thread! Your Shepherd's Bush finish looks so adorable!
Whew! You must be stitching 24/7 to get all of these projects finished. Another nice batch of finishes, but I especially like the BB ornament. So cute!!
And don't apologize for your new start. After all, with all of these finishes, aren't you running out of projects to work on? LOL!
Let's all bow to Ruth, our astonishing, astounding, awesome, fabulous, stunning, stupendous stitching friend who is finishing projects with lightning speed.
I also recorded "In Plain Sight" Sunday night. Haven't watched it yet, might watch it tonight after rehearsal.
Hi Ruth,
Congratulations on all of your recent finishes! Wahoo!!!
I especially like the tiny American Sampler kit and sorry I don't have an in with Shepherd's Bush. Why don't you send them and email/letter and let them know of your concerns? They might fix the problem for future kits or even send you a new mat.
I also like the Blackbird. I started laughing when I saw him as he looks like he just "borrowed" some greenery!
The other two are very nice too! Now you just have to make up the Cherished Stitches into a finishes ornament (she says while ducking). :-)
Thanks for visiting my blog. I do appreciate your thoughts and comments!
Windy Meadow
(heidi applauds loudly...) How busy you've been and well done on all the projects! They are beautiful!
Gracious me! You have been busy while I was on vacation! Way to go!!!
More fabulous finishes! You've been on a roll!
wow GF! great finishes! Love the Blackbird one, hell I love them all :)
Dammm forgot about In Plain Sight .. wonder if it'll be rerun? We love Burn Notice and The Closer too :)
Can't wait to see your new start! ohhhh and wonderful PIF to Mel! Love those spools :)
Oh, I have a terrible time making myself go to the post office even though it's on the route to the kids' school. I wait till I have a TON of stuff...
Hey, those are some great finishes! Good for you!! That little spool is really cute.
You're just plain awesome, Ruth! Love those finishes...I need to kit up some ornies from those JCS mags. I get them every year and then forget to make some ornies! I'm going to have to take a look-see at that blackbird!
Great finishes Ruth. Love them all. I can relate to the matting issue. You are just stitching away, you go girl.
I must say you have great finishative!
All those pieces are wonderful.
I haven't checked in with you for a week or so and look what happens. WOW!
Congrats. I did have a look back and I love the fairy as well!
Congrats on your finishes, they're great. I've never done a SB kit, that's too bad those mats are off because they are so pretty ;)
I love the Blackbird Designs ornie so much! And I think the Cherished Stitches ornie is one of my all-time favorite designs. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the curli-cues. :o)
Wonderful projects. Luv the spool!! I may have to try to make something like that one of these YEARS : )
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