I might make these a regular part of my ornie stitching since they are so fun.
I also have a little progress to report on my Pals signature RR center --

I know I've said this before, but Vicki Clayton's silks are a dream to stitch with. A pure dream!!!!
Things to be grateful for: Every spare second of stitching time even though there aren't very many of them.
Quote of the Day: "Oh go away! Repress someone else!"
G’Kar – The Paragon of Animals -- Babylon 5
The QotD is brought to you by the City of Los Angeles who is sending email demands for back business taxes to anyone who had non-W2 income on their taxes in the last 2 years. That includes investments, pensions, alimony, lottery winnings, etc. They don't tell you why they are demanding business registration and taxes so you have to call for a couple days to find that out. Ahhhh, ya gotta love self-perpetuating bureaucracies!
Hey, yours turned out perfectly! How'd you manage that? I tried to make one and ... well, it's a story with a sad ending!
Beautiful!!! I'll have to try my hand at one of those!
Thank you, ladies! It really did work up pretty easily. It's just all the BSing, "lacing" together, and keeping the raw edges tucked in was time consuming. I think it was worth it though.
Lovely! Ive never seen or heard of a pendibule before. Now i know!
Very cute pendibule! I have to agree with you, I love Vikki's silks.
This is gorgeous! Congrats on a great finish.
What is a pendibule? Whatever it is, you have done a suberb job of stitching & finishing. There is lots to catch up in reading your blog, have been away for a while. How many Christmas ornaments will you have, they are so very lovely. The tree will sing a sweet song this year, being proud to show off your handiwork.
I love what you created, its gorgeous.
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