Here are Jim, Sharon, and Baby Joshua receiving their Pals baby quilt on Dessert Buffet night --

Speaking of Dessert Night.....

That's only about half of the desserts on offer. Talk about a sugar rush!!!!!
General enjoyment shots:
SusanTN sorts stash in the Stash Room (we all bring our no longer essential patterns, kits, and fabric, they are sold at great discount, and the next-to-the-last night of the convention we all get a gift certificate to whatever shop has come for a share of the take)

The Crabby Mike's Crew (aka "Where's the crab legs and pass the drawn butter") -- Julie, me, Emily, Dawn, Susan, Miss Ida, and Chris

The Other Crabby Mike's Crew -- Shelleen, Char, and Laurie

Julie, Steph, and Chris in the Stitcher's Purse class

Mary of M Designs (witht he yellow papers) and the SHORT line in her shop-on-the-road

Avona's Sistine Chapel

Part of the grab bags from Grab Bag nite (any receptacle of your choice filled with at least $15.00 in new stash-- mine was a glas basket with finishing forms, fabric for backing pillows, pinkeeps, etc., linen and jobelan, and a bunch of overdyed threads)

Ornies on the ornie exchange table (for every ornie you bring, you get a raffle ticket; when your number is called you hop over to the table and pick any ornament you want in exchange)

Sharon gives Amy a thank you plaque for 10 wonderful years of fun from Pals

And Amy and Ray get a chance to read it

Is it possible that these photos are even more fun than the last batch? ;) What a great gathering, what a hooting good time!! Next year, I've got to make a serious effort to get some stitchy gathering happening over here!!!
Even without the laughter, it still looks like a LOT of fun. So how many ornies did you make? Get any to take home that you really like? That looked like the most fun to me, but I bet the classes were great, too.
Oh everytime, I see this I want to go, I want to go, I want to go!!!!
Looks great!
Stitching gatherings are THE BEST. And if you're on the East Coast of the U.S. in mid-October, I highly recommend coming to play with us at Pals. It really is a hoot and a half.
Kathryn, I managed to get 14 ornies ready for the convention. 12 of them for the ornie exchanged and 2 for inclusion into my gift exchange. They really were a lot of fun. You remind me I need to take shots of all the really cool ones I won though.
East Coast in the Fall, that alone would be enough for me...all those beautiful trees! Such a happy vacation for you, you will come back so inspired. What a joy for you.
What great photos its making me jealous!
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