Ahhh bliss. I spent the whole weekend at powwow and was happy as a clam. If you've never been to a powwow, then you should go. Just be respectful -- don't cross the circle, don't take pictures without asking, don't call them costumes (costumes are what you wear when you pretend), wear sunblock, eat fry bread(I recommend the Indian/Navajo taco), listen to the drums, watch the dancing, appreciate the amazing beadwork, and if you want to get the most of the experience, check out some online sources on the basics of powwow dances so you'll know what's happening. It is a wonderful way to spend the day. Trust me.
First of all it was a chamber of commerce sort of weekend:

Then I amassed quite a collection of beads from petite to standard-- For around about $3 I got what I judge to be the equivalent of 3 Mill Hill packs:

And if you still wonder about going to powwows just look at these...

Just go -- experience something new.
Currently reading: Stout's
The Black Mountain, Butcher's
Storm Front, and Pratchett's
Going PostalStill can't find: Zelazny's
This Immortal
What a colourful weekend!
Beautiful pictures from the PowWow, Ruth. My mother goes to the Pow Wows out West. We have some Cherokee in us and she has friends who roadtrip with her! LOL
Love the colorful dance costumes and the beads!
Deb in FL
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