My counter :) with cards and flowers from my office stitching buddy. Judicious water changes made the flowers last two whole weeks :)

And a balloon is required with flowers (at least from that friend... thanks Judy!)

Then the humor begins. There's this huge box in the middle of my office floor with the following label:

It's from my sister.
I open the box to be greeted by:

I lift out layer one of the formed-to-fit styrofoam to find....

Yuppers! Two six-packs of pear cider! lol My fav. Please note the special gift tucked between the sytro and the box -- the cardboard six-pack holders are included for ease of transport home. :) Do I have a wonderfully silly family or what? lol
I also owe several folks a picture of "The Yellow Tree." It's outside my building on campus and it has three versions of itself-- All green (leaves); all yellow; all twigs. It doesn't really do in between periods. Honest. Here it is in its Yellow stage:

It's a realy pretty tree in its Yellow stage, but trust me any day now I'll look out the window and it'll just be twigs again. It';s like it puts it's whole life into blooming as big as it can and then *poof* it's down for the count. :) And, for the record, I have no idea what kind of tree it is so if you can clue me in, thanks!
As close as you get to stitching pics today is some fresh stash....
I got the following in from Down Sunshine Lane this week:

The Blackbird one has several pieces causing my palms to itch with the desire to start them-- especially:

Oh pulheeze stop me before I start again!!!!!!!!
Ohhhhh, wait! I do have one stitching thing I can show you. I finished up that little Quaker over-one motif with the Victoria Clayton silks! :)

Still looking for Zelazny
Still reading: Hillerman Hunting Badger, Pratchett Going Postal, and Butcher Storm Front
Spent yesterday watching: old Perry Masons (black and white only, darling), misc BookTV, NCIS, Medium, and Bones
Currently stitching: Vierlanden Mystery Sampler and 6 million other things
the tree is a tabebuia chrysotricha...
the tree is a tabebuia chrysotricha..
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