I am certain that I'm back from the hinterland and sorry to say I have no stitching to report. It's not like I didn't take plenty -- BBD My Quaker House, MSD Quaker Meeting House, misc Christmas ornies, and the Vierlanden. I just didn't have time to work on them. Clean, sort, box, and trash -- that was my week last week. Oh, there was some photoing though....
My sister in action -- photographing collectibles from our childhoods....

I experimented with space bags and the fabric collection -- for the record, very cool. The silks and wools seemed to not mind the experience, and I expect this will solve my fears about stains and bugs. However, Space Bags apparently have lousy quality control -- only 6 of the 9 bags I bought worked. The 3 defective ones wouldn't seal. They went back to Target to enjoy life in the defective merchandise pile

We visited my aunt who has a definite bird-watching fetish. Despite growing up with birds, I only recently started "watching" and it's all my Aunt's fault. While we were over for dinner aside from the run of the mill sparrows, there were 4 red wing blackbirds, a pair of band-tailed pigeons, a dozen humming birds, and a yellow grosbeak. They certainly made for nice dinner scenery.
While I got no pictures of the birds, my Aunt's garden poses no movement problems so I photoed away.... If you know what these lilly-ish things are I'd appreciate a heads up:

Get these rose of my Aunt's -- first is called something-or-other Samba and buds in yellow, blooms to peach, then flowers out to pink. The second is a striped white and fuschia called George Burns. I just love him. By the way, there's a black thing stuck on some of the blooms of the George Burns -- that is bamboo ash. While I was taking these there was a fire a few miles from their home and the sky was raining slivers of coal black ash. Turns out that burned bamboo creates ashes 1-2 inches long and around a quarter of an inch long. It's darn freeky to have black snow falling on you!

About the only stitching I can report is that I did a floss toss for a friend who wants a sampler like my M Designs one just in different colors. We came up with the following and a list of a couple dozen things that would make for nice motifs.

Oooo, a very exciting (yet annoying) thing while home -- I found my charm pack for my M Designs sampler. Yeah, the sampler that I just got back from the framer. LOL The charm pack had slid into then through the lounge chair to be found when I had to shift the chair to get at some power cords. :) Oh well, charms for something else!
Recently finished reading: Rex Stout's Too Many Cooks -- fun as usual, a definite piece of its times (written in 1938) in terms of racial references, yet handled adroitly and correctly by character -- want to know why I think so? Go read the book. :)
Currently reading: Terry Pratchett's Going Postal, Jim Butcher's Storm Front, and Rex Stout's The Black Mountain
Wishing I had LoJack for: Zelazny's This Immortal