So, are we perky all the way around the globe? Ok, ok. I know. A little too much perk there. I'm trying to hold on to the glow of the weekend--- and look forward to the utter bliss of the holiday weekend coming next weeknd here in the U.S. All glory to extra stash abatement time!
A few exchanges have alighted with new owners so I have several share-worthy thigs for you today.
First, allow me to introduce the TOTALLY AWESOME Chirstmas-in-July exchange ornie I received from Sarah as part of the Friendly Stitchers yahoo group exchange --
Check out that amazingly wonderful finishing --
Isn't it fabulous? I know you have exchange envy! heee heee -- but it's mine! All MINE!
I sent Sarah the following Lizzie Kate piece
You know me. I just have to bead ornaments. For the back I took a cardinal from another LK Chrismtas piece, boxed it up to match the theme of the front and then made up an alphabet that looked like it was LK-ish --
Does it boggle anyone else's mind how much stuffing one of these little ornies can hold? Every time I'm baffled by the amount I need.
In F&S for the Halloween round I did a little ruthing to a Blackbird Designs Christmas ornament for Kathy
So, the bird and the vertical white column are from the afroementioned BBD Chrismtas ornie, the pumpkins on the front are from (I think) the BBD Anniversairs October piece, and the pumpkin on the back is from (once again, I think) the BBD Autumn, 3-part birds of a feather piece. The rest I made up because they seemed to work. Apparently neither Kathy nor I are very big Halloween people, so I turned this into an ode to the "witches" of Salem, hence the Salem and 1692 on the signature square. [I thought of putting red boots on the crow, but only a Nanny Ogg fan would appreciate that.]
I owe you more pictures, but they'll have to await anotherday. I need some culling time. I don't know about you, but initially I love *all* the pics. Weeding takes a little time and distance.
happy stitching!!!!!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Up to some good
How could I help but be?--- it's Olympics season after all ! There's cheering on to be done and frantic praying for success and lack of injuries to accomplish. I know all this TV time is supposed to give me more stitching accomplishments, but frankly sometimes it is just too stressful to stitch.
I did manage to finish my July ornaments challenge with the Friendly yahoo group -- I signed up to stitch and completely finish2 ornies in the month. I got 3 done although 2 are very small and thus far lack hangers. Hey-- if my ribbon stash would quit hiding from me they would be done-done! That happens to you, right? It's not just me who has finishing bits that hide behind chairs, in boxes, and under stuff just to keep me from finalizing a piece? Heck, I wouldn't put it passed some of the stuff to have nipped off into the kitchen cabinet to hide behind that can of cream of celery soup I got for a long forgotten casserole.
Here's the month's accomplishments--
That is Blackbird's Peace ornament from the 2009 JCS, and no, of course the coloras aren't what was called for. They are close at least.
And here are my ribbon-less over-ones. the chalet and the bunnies -- no, I don't think the bunnies are mutants, I think that mama bunny just would not let a full-sized pine tree in the hole so they picked a little table-top one.
I have made it this far on Plum Street's Love and Joy from the 2010 JCS--
And I have almost gotten the border in for that Blackbird freebie from a couple years ago --
And to prove I can do something besides ornaments --
My beading progress on Mouse's Spring sampler.
See, I think I'm so busy cheering that I can't focus on stitching...... combined with my general stitching slowness, of course.
Happy Olympics to all and to all good stitching!
I did manage to finish my July ornaments challenge with the Friendly yahoo group -- I signed up to stitch and completely finish2 ornies in the month. I got 3 done although 2 are very small and thus far lack hangers. Hey-- if my ribbon stash would quit hiding from me they would be done-done! That happens to you, right? It's not just me who has finishing bits that hide behind chairs, in boxes, and under stuff just to keep me from finalizing a piece? Heck, I wouldn't put it passed some of the stuff to have nipped off into the kitchen cabinet to hide behind that can of cream of celery soup I got for a long forgotten casserole.
Here's the month's accomplishments--
That is Blackbird's Peace ornament from the 2009 JCS, and no, of course the coloras aren't what was called for. They are close at least.
And here are my ribbon-less over-ones. the chalet and the bunnies -- no, I don't think the bunnies are mutants, I think that mama bunny just would not let a full-sized pine tree in the hole so they picked a little table-top one.
I have made it this far on Plum Street's Love and Joy from the 2010 JCS--
And I have almost gotten the border in for that Blackbird freebie from a couple years ago --
And to prove I can do something besides ornaments --
My beading progress on Mouse's Spring sampler.
See, I think I'm so busy cheering that I can't focus on stitching...... combined with my general stitching slowness, of course.
Happy Olympics to all and to all good stitching!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
And the winner is.......
.... Jill our very own Purple Peacock! She's going to be the proud owner of the remains of my Shepherd's Bush Joy in the Journey kit--- she'll probably even stitch it properly and not have nearly as many "learning experiences" (aka frogging periods) as I did.
As usual, I find myself sitting before you without recent progress pictures. I have been making progress, honest. I must admit, however, that I have found myself on numerous evenings over the last week just sitting and staring at the TV -- not really watching, just flipping channels. Generally, I'm sitting surrounded by stitching, but it somehow doesn't levitate on its own and start needling. Sigh. I suppose it would lose some of the fun if elves came in while I napped and did some stitches?----I'd be willing to test that theory on a couple projects though.
Regardless, because I have also been so slow at getting pictures posted I can share some accomplishments that missed their moment in the sun early this summer:
The above little darling is Barrick Sampler's Rooster Ride from one of the JCS. I have to say this piece is proof of personal stitching evolution. I remember when this issue came out I thought, "who the heck would want to stitch that?!" And lo and behold, apparently *I* wanted to stitch it. lol Does that ever happen to you -- you see something that you think is icky or lame and somewhere down the road you find yourself strangely compelled to stitch it?
And Praiseworthy Stitches' The Birds Carol ornie.
I think I need to declare August Ornament Finishing Month. Anyone want to join me?
Happy stitching and a peaceful day to all of you.
P.S. A small request -- please send happy and healthy thoughts to Grandma Rose who is in the hospital today-- hopefully getting sorted, but still worrying her family.
She'll be 97 years young in 3 weeks, and possibly her greatest health risk is that she's fairly stubborn.
As usual, I find myself sitting before you without recent progress pictures. I have been making progress, honest. I must admit, however, that I have found myself on numerous evenings over the last week just sitting and staring at the TV -- not really watching, just flipping channels. Generally, I'm sitting surrounded by stitching, but it somehow doesn't levitate on its own and start needling. Sigh. I suppose it would lose some of the fun if elves came in while I napped and did some stitches?----I'd be willing to test that theory on a couple projects though.
Regardless, because I have also been so slow at getting pictures posted I can share some accomplishments that missed their moment in the sun early this summer:
The above little darling is Barrick Sampler's Rooster Ride from one of the JCS. I have to say this piece is proof of personal stitching evolution. I remember when this issue came out I thought, "who the heck would want to stitch that?!" And lo and behold, apparently *I* wanted to stitch it. lol Does that ever happen to you -- you see something that you think is icky or lame and somewhere down the road you find yourself strangely compelled to stitch it?
And Praiseworthy Stitches' The Birds Carol ornie.
I think I need to declare August Ornament Finishing Month. Anyone want to join me?
Happy stitching and a peaceful day to all of you.
P.S. A small request -- please send happy and healthy thoughts to Grandma Rose who is in the hospital today-- hopefully getting sorted, but still worrying her family.
She'll be 97 years young in 3 weeks, and possibly her greatest health risk is that she's fairly stubborn.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Halloween stitching opportunity
Hey all -- just a quick note -- the Fair and Square blog is taking sign-ups for a Halloween round (sing-ups are going until the 20th of this month). While I'm a very selective Halloween stitcher (I really only like witches hats, pumpkins, and Halloween houses, not into cats or zombies or monsters or spiders (ick) or or or....) I am completely into the F&S exchanges. Frankly I've made some really great friends over there, and I just might be willing to share them with you. hee heee So come on over and join the group, or re-join the fun if you've been away for a while.
Also, my copy of Joy in the Journey is up for grabs per my last post-- if you'd like to be in the draw for the pattern and samples of most (ok, all but 1 I think) of the threads, just leave a comment on yesterday's post. I'll do a draw on Monday I think.
Happy stitching!!!!!
Also, my copy of Joy in the Journey is up for grabs per my last post-- if you'd like to be in the draw for the pattern and samples of most (ok, all but 1 I think) of the threads, just leave a comment on yesterday's post. I'll do a draw on Monday I think.
Happy stitching!!!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Little by little.....
... things take shape.
Sometimes they take a shape like Idiocy -- that's about the shape of the Jeep that made a purely perpendicular lane change in between two buses pulling out from the curb (almost causing me to crack my chin on the bus seat handle, thank you very much)
Sometimes they take a shape of slow-wittedness -- that's more of a color than a shape really and it's verging on bright pink. That's the color I turn when I sit out in the full sun with coworkers at lunch to be friendly, and I don't go inside when I start to feel the heat waves rising off my arms.
Sometimes they take the shape of reality -- that's the shape of the deleted space on my "Currently Reading List" left by my removal of A Short History of Ireland by Jonathan Bardon whose checkout from the public library expired for the 3rd time. I still haven't finished it and you know what-- I now realize this is a sign that it's too dang boring.
Sometimes they take the shape of a STITCHING FINISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:
Yes, dear readers, Joy in the Journey is D-O-N-E! Mind you, I changed a lot around -- cream on cream is too boring for words so most of that got switched out. One thread stitching was sometimes far too light, so some of that got switched. And a cream-on-cream sheep with a blank stitch heart in the middle of him is just invisible, so his heart got pinked. But hey, that the pattern title says -- it's the joy in the journey, right?
And there's been progress too:
See? Little by little I get there.
Now, an offer, anyone want my Joy in the Journey? There are at least samples of most of the threads for matching purposes, and pretty much any cream linen/evenweave will look fine. If you're interested just note that in a comment and if there's a run for the thing I'll draw names.
Happy stitching to all and to all a peaceful day.
Sometimes they take a shape like Idiocy -- that's about the shape of the Jeep that made a purely perpendicular lane change in between two buses pulling out from the curb (almost causing me to crack my chin on the bus seat handle, thank you very much)
Sometimes they take a shape of slow-wittedness -- that's more of a color than a shape really and it's verging on bright pink. That's the color I turn when I sit out in the full sun with coworkers at lunch to be friendly, and I don't go inside when I start to feel the heat waves rising off my arms.
Sometimes they take the shape of reality -- that's the shape of the deleted space on my "Currently Reading List" left by my removal of A Short History of Ireland by Jonathan Bardon whose checkout from the public library expired for the 3rd time. I still haven't finished it and you know what-- I now realize this is a sign that it's too dang boring.
Sometimes they take the shape of a STITCHING FINISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:
Yes, dear readers, Joy in the Journey is D-O-N-E! Mind you, I changed a lot around -- cream on cream is too boring for words so most of that got switched out. One thread stitching was sometimes far too light, so some of that got switched. And a cream-on-cream sheep with a blank stitch heart in the middle of him is just invisible, so his heart got pinked. But hey, that the pattern title says -- it's the joy in the journey, right?
And there's been progress too:
See? Little by little I get there.
Now, an offer, anyone want my Joy in the Journey? There are at least samples of most of the threads for matching purposes, and pretty much any cream linen/evenweave will look fine. If you're interested just note that in a comment and if there's a run for the thing I'll draw names.
Happy stitching to all and to all a peaceful day.
Friday, July 06, 2012
Happy FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!
We made it! It is well and truly almost the weekend. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!
Do I have much to say for myself? No, not particularly. But I have plans to get "on paper" (let's see if that helps spur me on) and I neglected an in progress piece in the last post -- poor Dawn of Spring by Mouse has been getting short-shrift in my progress reports. It's been giving me problems, so possibly it earned a time out, but now it is back --
Now if you have qualms about what I have stitched, I have to say many things in Mouse's defense -- I have mucked with her SAL patterns quite a bit. Those birds -- I put those in instead of the little chickies she had, and yes, I centered them improperly.... Sigh. Mouse did get me to try my first spider web roses which I like A LOT, but then she tried (valiantly) to make me do a row of pulled thread (oh, sooo not happening) and some bullion knots (nah). Sorry, Mouse. I love ya dear, but I have to drawn the line somewhere. So I put in that over-1 verse (more humor on that later), the band of elongated, partial Rhodeses (did we agree?---Rhodeses or Rhodi?), and the beginning of what I think of as a band of ferns. I have to confess that this pic is slightly aged because the fern row is done (berry stars/flowers included), a row of one of my personal favorites-the Montenegrin stitch is in, and a row of roses which will be partially beaded is in progress. Come next week you should get a fresh update, unless my stitching mood has taken me elsewhere.... again.
In light of my failure to pay proper attention to Dawn, I think it's time I set some goals for the month --- yes, I know, 6 days in to the 7th month of the year and suddenly I "discover" goals. Yes, yes. Very funny. Be that as it may, here goes-- In July Ihope to no, that's not positive enough... will errr, no, let's show some realism here .... ... really should and sat his moment want to:
Oh, the P.S. on the Dawn of Spring verse -- So I go on a hunt through my personal quote files (because I actually do collect such things) for something appropriate to Spring or flowers. LOL Apparently I'm not what you would call the flowery quote queen. A sampliung of what I rummaged through at the top of my quotes file:
In light of my failure to pay proper attention to Dawn, I think it's time I set some goals for the month --- yes, I know, 6 days in to the 7th month of the year and suddenly I "discover" goals. Yes, yes. Very funny. Be that as it may, here goes-- In July I
- stich and finish-finish 2 ornies (as part of the Friendly group Christmas-in-July challenge)
- stitch and finish-finish the ornie for the Friendly Christmas-in-July exchange which I simply *had* to start in June (idiot)
- catch up on Dawn of Spring
- find Ellen's flag and get to work on it (let's aim for getting half of the blue field in)
- finish the sand on Ladies Day
- make progress on Eastern European Girls Go to the Fair (there has to be a better name for that canvas ..... Ethel. I may just call it Ethel. ..... and if you ge thte literary allusion, we really should talk because we have the same sick sense of humor.)
- finish SB's Journey's End which is currently languishing n the floor right next to the bed in hopes I'll actually pick it up)
Oh, the P.S. on the Dawn of Spring verse -- So I go on a hunt through my personal quote files (because I actually do collect such things) for something appropriate to Spring or flowers. LOL Apparently I'm not what you would call the flowery quote queen. A sampliung of what I rummaged through at the top of my quotes file:
- "Justice has nothing to do with it. Stark, bloody, screaming, agonizing vengeance is what I'm talking about." (Bitter Gold Hearts by Glen Cook)
- "Gee, if only someone had warned you at some point not to be an idiot....." (The Summer Knight by Jim Butcher)
- "...[he] looked sheepish enough to say 'baaa.'" (I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett)
- "No damned thing from the vasty deeps is going to get the better of me in my own home." (The Man with the Golden Torc by Simon R. Green)
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
The return of Beatrix and other stories
Yes. She's back from the Framer of Ill Repute. She came back to me 2 weekends ago with Grandma Rose's roses, but the whole fiasco has left me less than excited-- hence the delay in posting. She's still lovely though ....
You know, as I look at her, she really is nice. I love the copper frame and the suede and that he decided to put spacers *under* the mat. She really is quite a sight. Given a year or so, the trauma of her framing may yet pass from my mind.
As one "story" comes to an end, another begins-- I have (miraculously enough) put the first stitches in the Eastern European Girls Go to the Fair piece for my buddy, So Many Books.
Can you see my big accomplishments? There's a row of black Kreinik Rhodeses (would that more properly be Rhodesi???) around about knee level, and the black squares at the bottom are completed and the pink drips under those latter black squares are mostly in (the pink is in Fyre Werks-- my fav).
Ok. Ok! So that's not the greatest afternoon's progress ever seen in the Western World. But I did also make the beginnings of a map for this piece -- which was really my starting problem. I would get it out and dump out its bag of threads and think, "what the heck goes where?" It was always easier to put it away and go back to work on something I knew where I stood with. lol I bet none of you know that feeling.
Anyway, below is the latest and greatest floss dump --
Those are only the threads for the dresses, the pig, and the grass. I'm not certain from this pic that you get the full sparkle effect, but trust me, there's a significant quantity of shiny bits in there! Hey, So, you don't mind sparkle, do you? lol
Now I have to apologize, I have gotten behind on progress updates do to photographic laziness. {I am the Queen of Entropy, you know. Actually, I prefer the title Director of Entropic Studies --- sounds so much more academic.} So will do a little catching up here.
Remember that Bent Creek Noel I asked for opinions on the background "swirls" for? Well here it is --
That's the Belle Soie Fern Frond that came to my rescue. It ended up just the way I envisioned it-- so a success there.
I have been putting some time in on By the Bay's summer mystery SAL as well --
Yes, yes. I'm behind on that. Buuuut, can I at least have credit for already spotting a couple highly-likely pre-made frame options for it at The Good Framer?
My last share of the day encapsulates my stupidity. Early last week I started Christmas-in-July exchange ornie as part of a yahoo group exchange. Here it is...
Well, no, of course I'm only showing you that little edge of the stitching. Duh. It is an exchange.... I cannot spoil the surprise, now can I? The threads you see are all fully approved, but I'm not certain about all the beads. I don't think I will use both blues and I may not use both greens. Oh, and I am contemplating some red Fuzzy Stuff. The stupidity comes in when you realize that the same group hosting the exchange is also hosting a how-many-ornies-can-you-start-finish-stitching-and-FINISH-finish in July event. So here I go and start this ornament in June. Dang it!!! Now I need this one done for the exchange, but I cannot count it for the challenge. Sheesh. I couldn't just have waited a week???? See, I'm lame.
Happy 4th to all and to all happy stitching!
You know, as I look at her, she really is nice. I love the copper frame and the suede and that he decided to put spacers *under* the mat. She really is quite a sight. Given a year or so, the trauma of her framing may yet pass from my mind.
As one "story" comes to an end, another begins-- I have (miraculously enough) put the first stitches in the Eastern European Girls Go to the Fair piece for my buddy, So Many Books.
Can you see my big accomplishments? There's a row of black Kreinik Rhodeses (would that more properly be Rhodesi???) around about knee level, and the black squares at the bottom are completed and the pink drips under those latter black squares are mostly in (the pink is in Fyre Werks-- my fav).
Ok. Ok! So that's not the greatest afternoon's progress ever seen in the Western World. But I did also make the beginnings of a map for this piece -- which was really my starting problem. I would get it out and dump out its bag of threads and think, "what the heck goes where?" It was always easier to put it away and go back to work on something I knew where I stood with. lol I bet none of you know that feeling.
Anyway, below is the latest and greatest floss dump --
Those are only the threads for the dresses, the pig, and the grass. I'm not certain from this pic that you get the full sparkle effect, but trust me, there's a significant quantity of shiny bits in there! Hey, So, you don't mind sparkle, do you? lol
Now I have to apologize, I have gotten behind on progress updates do to photographic laziness. {I am the Queen of Entropy, you know. Actually, I prefer the title Director of Entropic Studies --- sounds so much more academic.} So will do a little catching up here.
Remember that Bent Creek Noel I asked for opinions on the background "swirls" for? Well here it is --
That's the Belle Soie Fern Frond that came to my rescue. It ended up just the way I envisioned it-- so a success there.
I have been putting some time in on By the Bay's summer mystery SAL as well --
Yes, yes. I'm behind on that. Buuuut, can I at least have credit for already spotting a couple highly-likely pre-made frame options for it at The Good Framer?
My last share of the day encapsulates my stupidity. Early last week I started Christmas-in-July exchange ornie as part of a yahoo group exchange. Here it is...
Well, no, of course I'm only showing you that little edge of the stitching. Duh. It is an exchange.... I cannot spoil the surprise, now can I? The threads you see are all fully approved, but I'm not certain about all the beads. I don't think I will use both blues and I may not use both greens. Oh, and I am contemplating some red Fuzzy Stuff. The stupidity comes in when you realize that the same group hosting the exchange is also hosting a how-many-ornies-can-you-start-finish-stitching-and-FINISH-finish in July event. So here I go and start this ornament in June. Dang it!!! Now I need this one done for the exchange, but I cannot count it for the challenge. Sheesh. I couldn't just have waited a week???? See, I'm lame.
Happy 4th to all and to all happy stitching!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Happy Friday!!!!!
Hey world! Best wishes to you on this lovely (at least here it is) Friday. My buddy, errr apparently she likes to be called So, over at So Many Books chided me yesterday for not having posted in what she considers a reasonable amount of time. lol Given that the other day I dusted her duck collection because she can't see that high (and the occupational health surveyor had humorous things to say about an asthmatic with that much dust in her office), you'd think she would not give me such grief, but there you are!
Probably dear friends what she is hoping for is to see progress on a particular piece in my pile --- namely the one I refer to in my head as Eastern European Girls Go to the Fair
I yacked about it way back in this post of mine from March-- even had some of it threaded up. Sadly, she is to be disappointed since I have not yet stitched on it. I'll get there, I promise!
One of the things that interrupted the Girls Go to the Fair was Grandma Rose's rose which is now back from The Other Framer ---
The frame is a kind of opalized green. I think she'll be pleased. Now I just have to quell my desire to give it to her immediately and wait patiently until her birthday in August.
Also instead of working on So's canvas I've been, as I like to say, frying other fish. There's been a couple ornies I don't have pictures of. And there's been progress on Ladies Day. Here she is in all her glory:
I realize I neglected to ever post of close up of the final lady --
She's in two shades of Gum Nuts and 2 shades of Silk Lame.
now I've begun what apparently will be 3-months-worth fo sand infill--
Thats's a combo of Silk n Colors and Soy Lustre. And, pl.ease, would someone out here help me remember that stitches over 12 are my friend! Stitches over 1 or 3 are what you pass out to folks you don't lieke very much. Sigh.
Far cooler than anything I've done -- my buddy Jenn's witch's hat is home from the finisher --
Probably dear friends what she is hoping for is to see progress on a particular piece in my pile --- namely the one I refer to in my head as Eastern European Girls Go to the Fair
I yacked about it way back in this post of mine from March-- even had some of it threaded up. Sadly, she is to be disappointed since I have not yet stitched on it. I'll get there, I promise!
One of the things that interrupted the Girls Go to the Fair was Grandma Rose's rose which is now back from The Other Framer ---
The frame is a kind of opalized green. I think she'll be pleased. Now I just have to quell my desire to give it to her immediately and wait patiently until her birthday in August.
Also instead of working on So's canvas I've been, as I like to say, frying other fish. There's been a couple ornies I don't have pictures of. And there's been progress on Ladies Day. Here she is in all her glory:
I realize I neglected to ever post of close up of the final lady --
She's in two shades of Gum Nuts and 2 shades of Silk Lame.
now I've begun what apparently will be 3-months-worth fo sand infill--
Thats's a combo of Silk n Colors and Soy Lustre. And, pl.ease, would someone out here help me remember that stitches over 12 are my friend! Stitches over 1 or 3 are what you pass out to folks you don't lieke very much. Sigh.
Far cooler than anything I've done -- my buddy Jenn's witch's hat is home from the finisher --
How cool is that????? Kudos to Jenn the Magnificent .... and to the patience it took to do this over the course of 2 years I think (granted I believe there was a 6 month break while waiting for us to amass a shop-minimum order so the pumpkin charms could be ordered in bulk).
Anyway, Jenn's my needlepoint inspiration/bete noir. It's all her fault I started needlepointing-- I was perfectly happy in my xs life. Blame her for why I have weak xs updates right now..... ok, well mostly it is because I didn't get my camera in gear, but Jenn's a very responsible person, she can handle the extra blame... heee heee.
Here's wishing you a wonderful weekend -- relax however you see fit! See you next week.
P.S. Feel better now, So Many Books?
Friday, June 22, 2012
tagged... and accomplishing....
Happy Friday!!!!!! On Tuesday it never seemed like we'd get here, but here we are. Tomorrow I get a weekend. Whew.
No tremendous weekend plans here -- a little working at the shop. I hear through the grapevine that not only is Grandma Rose's rose back, but Beatrix has returned as well. I have to admit I'm really annoyed at the Beatrix framer still. When my friend called to tell me I had something in she was struggling with the words for what was in -- I had just started to get excited thinking maybe my little NYC cube was in (because I'm dying to see if the new finisher can actually make it square). Then she indicated it was Beatrix, and I felt an immediate let down. I was so exited about it before The Great Framing Battle of 2012. Sigh. Of course, there will be a full report next week. I would appreciate crossed fingers in the meantime.
Anyway, a little catching up before the weekend. Remember I was working on a swirly lollipop a while back? Well, my sister has received her birthday box so now I can properly share (I don't think she comes to the blog, but you never know.). For the record it's double-sided and the new finisher did AWESOME in my humble opinion.
Look how cool she did the hanger with gromets. I love it and so does the sister.
I have to tell you a little back story on this sucker. I did this as part of a long-standing joke she and I have going about how I was the little sister and always in trouble while she was the fair-haired older, more rational child. I was always muddy and sticky. She was always looking freshly scrubbed. Anyway, we've had this whole series of laughs about things I was not allowed to do have ---- cotton candy, pomegranates, and giant candy suckers, for example. So I explain this to my sister and say that I figured when she went to the fair that she was allowed to have a giant sucker. WELL -- she relies while trying to control gales of smug laughter, "Umm actually, I got them at the fair, but also every week when I went shopping at the drug store with grandpa I got to choose anything I wanted from the candy aisle -- giant lollipops, candy necklaces..." I cut her off there and let her know I had not only never been allowed a giant lollipop (even at the fair) but I had NEVER even been allowed to contemplate a candy necklace. Oh the bitter inequity of it all!!!!!!
The sister also got a little gingerbread girl ornie for her birthday --
Now I have a question for you -- can you tell it's a gingerbread girl? My sister apparently couldn't.
I was, for the record, allowed gingerbread.
Now for the tagging ---
My long-time Pals buddy, Shelleen, from tagged me in getting to know you game. The rules are you answer the eleven questions asked you and then you tag eleven more bloggers and ask them eleven questions. I am not going to tag folks specifically -- I leave it to you to tag yourself if my questions peak your interest. Of course I want to know all about you all..... curiosity features in one of my answers to Shelleen, but I will leave participating up to you. Just leave me a comment if you decide to be tagged so I can go find out the secrets of your world .
My long-time Pals buddy, Shelleen, from tagged me in getting to know you game. The rules are you answer the eleven questions asked you and then you tag eleven more bloggers and ask them eleven questions. I am not going to tag folks specifically -- I leave it to you to tag yourself if my questions peak your interest. Of course I want to know all about you all..... curiosity features in one of my answers to Shelleen, but I will leave participating up to you. Just leave me a comment if you decide to be tagged so I can go find out the secrets of your world .
My answers to Shelleen:
1. 1. Coffee or tea?
Definitely tea. Ya’ll can keep your coffee.
2. How old were you when you learned to cross stitch?
I had stitched
before, but I didn’t seriously pick it up and keep it up until college when my
then best friend had it as her only personal time indulgence (she was pre-med
so time “wasting” was a distinct luxury).
3. Who do you work for and what do you do?
I work for a
giant, multi-national conglomerate that does everything from architecture to
black ops. Technically I manage the library for the economics section of
the firm. In reality I do research on economics, real estate, various
industries, the environment, hydrology, etc. Recently I’m helped a state
plan how to expand its share of the U.S. tourist market, I helped plan the
redevelopment of 2 zoos, and I researched the industry-specific market
factors for a city in Asia, a city in Europe, and 3 islands in the Caribbean. Oh, and I am part of a team that manages my
division’s ISO compliance for the corporation – if you don’t know what that
means, you are a very lucky person.
4. Do you have an apartment or a house?
Hovel… errr
5. What kind of car do you drive?
Drive? Who
drives? I do love Top Gear (the BBC version) and Barrett-Jackson (but you
know that already). This is something that my friends find absolutely hysterical.
6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I’d really like
to hop around overseas for a while.
7. Are you a games person? Videos, board games, or card
Kinda. I
used to be both board and card games, but not I’m mostly obsessed with
Bejeweled online.
8. If you could see anyone in concert, who would it be?
George Strait
9. Do you like to read and if so do you have a favorite author
or genre?
lol Do I
really need to say? Yes to reading. Genre: Science Fiction.
Author: Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Rex Stout (ok, so he’s a mystery
writer—sue me for being diverse), Simon R. Green, Sharon Shinn, Chelsea Quinn
Yarbro, James White, and many, many, many more.
10. If you aren’t married what characteristics do you look for
in a spouse?
intelligence, humor, and curiosity. Oh
and patience.
11. Can you sing or play an instrument?
Since you didn’t
say “well” then, yes. I play piano and I sing (the singing happens when
no one is around or when I’m in church (I love a good, old-fashioned hymn)).
questions for you if you choose to self-tag:
1. Does
all of your family understand your stitching obsession?
2. Do
you own an e-book reader (Kindle, Nook, etc)?
If you do, do you think it makes you read less or more, and do you think
it will make a significant dent in your physical book purchasing?
3. Do
you have a theme song—or a pet song? One
that you always catch yourself humming?
4. What’s
your favorite trip you’ve ever been on and why?
Would you want to go back, or is the experience in one way, shape, or
form non-repeatable?
5. What
stitching piece of yours are you most proud of and why?
6. What
piece of your stitching do you sometimes wish you had never started? Or did you/do you love them all?
7. You
have an entire weekend free and clear to stitch – do you want your stitching
time to be enlivened by: a TV show
marathon on (if so, what show), a movie (or series of movies) (which
movie/s), a new music release (what music?), or a new audio book (which one)?
8. What’s
the goofiest thing you have ever done because of your stitching?
9. Can
you cook without recipes? Or do you only
like cooking with precise guides?
10. Iron
Chef America or Iron Chef Japan?
11. Do
you have antique stitching passed down through your family? Have you ever bought antique stitching?
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Parades of all sorts
Sorry for the delay on my Championship Parade report. Apparently the overwhleming joy of the day distracted me. hee heee
It was a lovely day in Kings' Fanland. All sorts of fans turned out -- including this pup with his own jersey
.... and everyone behaved quite nicely -- One of my big-smile moments was when the police officer in front of my section of the barracades addressed the crowd: "Now you're all going to have a great time and cheer and have fun, right? No one here is going to cause us any trouble, right?" The response from a guy in the back of the crowd -- "Heck no! We're not *basketball* fans!" lol
The Cup made an appearance --
We cheered star-tours buses of hockey elites --
And the streets of the city were filled with happiness --
In other life parades .... stitching continues. I think I worked out what to do about the Bent Creek Noel ornie.

I went with Fern Frond from Belle Soie. Why did I ever think I could do an eniter ornie without a little silk involved?
I think I finally committed to the stitch for the sand in Ladies Day. Last night began the deciding about the threads --
Ok, on the left side of the sand the filler stitches is Soy Lustre on the right side is Lola rayon. I believe I am going with the Soy. I want a lighter shade and a light texture in this. I think the Lola is a little too shiny and it is definitely too thick -- yes, I did know that going in, but sometimes I think I'm smarter than me. Sigh. Oh, and another good reason not to use the Lola -- it is a royal pain in the assets -- it twirls, it knots, it twists. Sheesh-- you'd think I could remember how much I hate dealing with it. On this piece, I can also report that while I'm enjoying the stitch and it does not goo too slowly, it is still so speed stitch so I believe my goal to have this finished this month will be dashed.
I recently started work on this jingle bell ornie for Strictly Christmas--
Why, I wonder, am I always drawn to things that can't have specialty stitches? A good over-4 stitch would have this done in no time!
And a quick update -- In the last round of F&S I was matched with Daniela in Finland so I adjusted a BBD piece and a part of a piece from GOS for her (if you follow the link you will See that Daniela has already finished the squares... yup, she's amazing!) --
The threads are a mix of Belle Soie, Silk and Colors, Sampler Threads, and floss. The tree has a few peachy-colored beads to represent apricots because my grandpa had a big ole apricot tree that I used to love to play in and have fond memories of --- I wanted the squares to have a little bit of her (the flag) and a little of me.
Well, dear friends, I have to run. Have a wonderful day!
It was a lovely day in Kings' Fanland. All sorts of fans turned out -- including this pup with his own jersey
The Cup made an appearance --
We cheered star-tours buses of hockey elites --
And the streets of the city were filled with happiness --
In other life parades .... stitching continues. I think I worked out what to do about the Bent Creek Noel ornie.
I went with Fern Frond from Belle Soie. Why did I ever think I could do an eniter ornie without a little silk involved?
I think I finally committed to the stitch for the sand in Ladies Day. Last night began the deciding about the threads --
Ok, on the left side of the sand the filler stitches is Soy Lustre on the right side is Lola rayon. I believe I am going with the Soy. I want a lighter shade and a light texture in this. I think the Lola is a little too shiny and it is definitely too thick -- yes, I did know that going in, but sometimes I think I'm smarter than me. Sigh. Oh, and another good reason not to use the Lola -- it is a royal pain in the assets -- it twirls, it knots, it twists. Sheesh-- you'd think I could remember how much I hate dealing with it. On this piece, I can also report that while I'm enjoying the stitch and it does not goo too slowly, it is still so speed stitch so I believe my goal to have this finished this month will be dashed.
I recently started work on this jingle bell ornie for Strictly Christmas--
Why, I wonder, am I always drawn to things that can't have specialty stitches? A good over-4 stitch would have this done in no time!
And a quick update -- In the last round of F&S I was matched with Daniela in Finland so I adjusted a BBD piece and a part of a piece from GOS for her (if you follow the link you will See that Daniela has already finished the squares... yup, she's amazing!) --
The threads are a mix of Belle Soie, Silk and Colors, Sampler Threads, and floss. The tree has a few peachy-colored beads to represent apricots because my grandpa had a big ole apricot tree that I used to love to play in and have fond memories of --- I wanted the squares to have a little bit of her (the flag) and a little of me.
Well, dear friends, I have to run. Have a wonderful day!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
I Get a Parade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Despite the best efforts (and they were quite grand) and Marty Brodeur, I get a parade today! Yes, my very first downtown, championship parade! Yahoo Kings!!!!!!! I am wiggling with excitement (though I will admit I'm about to go downstairs and find the guy with the honking-horn-of-celebration and throttle him-- what if he keeps this up for the next hour and 20 minutes until the parade starts????). There are little packs and black and silver (and sometimes, depending on the vintage of fan, purple) wandering the streets in preparation.
I'll be back with parade notes later... and pics, well, I hope I'll have some worthy pics. It'll be hard, what with me wiggling with this much excitement. tee heee
On more pedestrian fronts I've been pseudo busy. I seem to spend a lot more time staring at stitching than actually doing it. But for what it's worth I have made bits of progress-- and I could use your help on a couple things--
I've gotten a couple more motifs in on my Quaker a la Six Mains--
So now I've gotten this much done --
Nope, I really don't know why I skipped over what gap on the left. I seem to remember the corner seemed more essential. I'm sure it was a "great idea" at the time.
Here's where I could use some help --
Because I went and changed all the colors (dang me) the color that the note-so-swirly lines surrounding the stars and house don't work anymore. Should I go with a peachy tan to mimic what they should have been and yet still go with the house or with a minty light green? Oh, you think it might be more helpful if I had bothered to include some options with the pic? Well, yes, it would have been, but did I mention being all wiggly over the parade in.... 1 hour and 7 minutes?
One last bit of progress-- Brittercup's Christmas pup --
I have no idea why this seems to be taking so long. I did the dog in one short evening. Somehow I stalled out when I got to thinking Fuzzy Stuff would be the perfect hat/stocking edging. Oh well.
All the best to all of you -- possibly I'll see you at the parade..... sorry Marty-- please don't retire, you really are remarkable.
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