Hello and a happy day unto you and yours. Why, yes, I am excessively perky. No real reason. I just am. It's a nice feeling to move from grousy and obstreperous to smile-y and perky. Don't worry; I'm sure it won't last.
For now, the sun is shinging, the breezes are blowing, and hte flowers (that I'm not allergic to) are in bloom --

Ok, loosing the perky fast. They are filming some show just downstairs of my office windows, and these apparently are not sound-blocking windows. Every 10 minutes the whole floor gets treated to squeeling tires. You know, the kind f squeeling that is usually followed by "CRASH" and the "whir-whir-whir" of a hubcap making its way down the street sans car. I don't suppose it's nearly as annoying to us as it is to all the people trying to drive in this very busy downtown section. Hmmm, maybe it's The Closer or some other somebody-got-murdered show which I actually watch. I'll see my building and the crosswalk leading the the best sandwiches in town on TV -- how cool. It's not like it's unusual for that to happen when you live in a film mecca -- once Monk wandered down an alley near Chez Hovel (he was an awfully long way from SF), campus was always in stuff, and just this season The Closer filmed scenes about 10 houses down from my friend's place. Ok, I admit, it's kinda cool to see your neighborhood on TV. (For the record, the camera only puts 10 pounds on people -- it doesn't work on landscaping -- just in case you thought it might make your azaleas look fluffier. That would be nice though.)
Anyway, I can report some progress. Actually let's start with the BIG news--- I FINISHED something!!!! Yes, you read that right. Little Miss Start-Something-New actually put the last stitches in a piece! Why, yes, I'm rather proud.

Ok, I don't care that it's a paltry little 4-5-inch ornament. It's done, right? A done project is a DONE project. I get credit. Sure it took me something liek 2 years, but I got bored. You go alternating basketweave in black Neon Rays on black and see how interested you stay in a piece. Currently it's off to the finishers to be flat backed and corded. Woo hooo! One Christmas present done!
My "big" finish spurred me on to other accomplishments.....
BBD Summer has made it to here--

Ok, so I only put in enough stitches to know I liked the 2nd new color I picked for the bird. So sue me.
BBD America has gotten to here --

Even the needlepoint sand dollar made a reappearance and after two nights work with three needles in process at once (memo to self: never pick a stitch no matter how cool that requires you keep three different threads in action at all times.)--
And you know what, there's even more to show, but you'll have to wait for the pics. Sorry.
I do have to leave you with my personal vote for news of the week -- Might be news of the year here:
From Monday's Clovis News Journal --
Officers Remove Badger From Outside 21st Street Restaurant
Honest, it's a good laugh. For the record, I'd be pissy too if you relocated me next to a dump.
Hmmm, maybe I need to start a badger-themed news feed.