So, my friends, send me painless thoughts, I'm going in tomorrow to have a wisdom tooth yanked brutally from my poor jaw.... err removed. Last night I went and picked up some flan, double-chocolate pudding cups, and cream of chicken soup. If I have to be miserable, I might as well have soft foods I'm fond of.
See ya in a couple days.
Oh, some stitching for the road...

This is the lovely square I received from
April for the Fair and Square fall round. Don't you just love the colors?
Here's what I sent April:

I just love that little house. Hmmmm I see it getting stitched again in my future.
Oooh, best of luck on that tooth. I don't envy you one bit. For some reason I was blessed with only 2 wisdom teeth (on the top) but fortunately I didn't have to have them pulled. No comment necessary on how I must have a big mouth. ;-)
Oh ere...good luck with the tooth. If it makes you feel any better, I have had several friends who have had this done and found it not as bad as they expected.
Thanks. I wish I didn't have to like Kendra (it can'tbe that my mouth isn't big enough lol), and I hope you're right, Gaynor. :) I figure if I think the worst, maybe it won't be that bad.
owwwwwww! at least you only have to have the one pulled. but still ouch!!!! I'm afraid of the dentist, but i did have to have mine pulled years ago (3 of them at once, ouch!!!)
get all those yummy soft foods you like and just kick back and feel better!
Having a wisdom tooth pulled is easy peasy! Far less painfull than fillings and cleaning in my opinion. What a lot of eye candy is on your blog. I am going to have to make a second visit to view it all in detail. xx
Good luck with the tooth pulling. I only had 3 wisdom teeth (1 on top and 2 on the bottom) and had all 3 pulled years ago. It wasn't that bad, thanks to the novocaine, didn't feel a thing, and no pain afterwards. Hopefully yours will be painless and you'll be chewing solid foods in a few days.
Nice exchange and stitching. Good luck with the tooth!
Hi Ruth,
I'll be thinking of you today when you have your tooth removed!
To hopefully make you feel better, many years ago I had all 5 of mine removed. Yep, I had 5. Sigh...
Windy Meadow
Thinking many painless thoughts... for you and me both... I've had my jaw manhandles today and double-chocolate of any kind sounds like the perfect medicine!! Take care!!!
My daughter had a wisdom tooth removed on the 5th and she has been absolutely fine. She even went to the local bonfire night display in the evening.
I hope you're doing OK after having your wisdom tooth removed.
Lovely squares.
Good luck with the wisdom tooth extraction and its aftermath!
I certainly hope everything came out okay (pun intended)!! Really, I hope you are doing fine - they are not fun to have removed.
hope all goes well! are you only have 1 pulled? shouldn't be too bad.
Robert, youngest ds is having all four pulled on the 11th .. not great timing because of the cost! grrrrr lol
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