Well, I made it through another year of fairly-regular blogging.

Pull up a glass, and celebrate with me!
Today's the last day to sign in for the giveaway .... check out the ""present" post below and comment on that if you want in on the action.
BTW, I woke up this morning convinced it was Friday. Imagine my change in mood when I discovered it was only Thursday. Sigh.
By popular demand, everyone is welcome at the celebratory dessert buffet -- A little bit of all of my personal favorites (and a couple cakes you're not allowed to cut becuase they are just too cool....

hee hee -- Aren't my art-cakes cool?

And one thing you will NEVER have on my party circuit --

OMG, Bacon-topped chocolate chip cookies???!?!?!?!?!? Ick.
Hooray! Congratulations on another year. Do you get a cake?
Hi Ruth,
Congratulations on another year of blogging!
I agree with Kathryn, where's the cake? I'll settle for some chocolate!!! :-)
To make you feel better about today being Thursday instead of Friday... I worked on Sunday so this feels like my Friday but I'll be working tomorrow. Long week for me this week. Sigh...
Windy Meadow
oh sweetie .. I do hate when I do that .. I bet your mood went downhill quickly! I know mine would have! lol
Happy Blogiversary darlin'
You had me all pleasantly hungry till that last picture. Ugh!
Congratulations on another year of blogging! :D
Congratulations on another year if blogging! Those cakes are making me feel so hungry!
Congratulations! OK - you're killing me with the goodies...my diet is dying!
About Jeopardy, believe it not, this poor guy was pre-empted 3 nights in a row! But, he was actually on AGAIN Thurs. night, so he evidently did really well! Kudos to him.
I missed your Blogoversary, but hey, Happy Blogoversary anyway! I really do enjoy your blog!!
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