Anyway, on a better front I finally managed to upload pics of stuff I've been up to that I got approval to share.
Here's Karen's RR from The Society.

I did the ever so amazing (snort) W, X, and C, oh and like 8 of the light green box frames.

Her linen's really nice to work on, but I want to have a chat with the folks at Prairie Schooler -- ya'll need to understand that the DMC you call "red" is brown. Honest to pete, folks, clean your glasses. That ain't red!
Well, that's it for now. I have more pics but someone didn't have time to load them into webshots today, so you'll just have to cross your fingers for this weekend. Oh, I get to work at the LNS again this weekend -- sore feet and much fun and, I hope, a distinct lack of "problem stitchers." Sheesh. "Do you think I should use this white? or this white?" Sure the first time with the first person is fine, the 4th time with every member of the staff on the 5th visit to the shop regarding the same question is WAY more than a "bit needy." My chants of "she's just lonley" and "it's hard to be her" only take me so far into the patient realm.
Have a great rest of your day!
Ooo, nice RR. Can't go wrong with a Prairie Schooler, can you?
Actually, I laughed at your "red is really brown" comment. I'm currently stitching a PS design where the bronze is actually a olive-green.
Ah well, no matter what the colors are called, they always look spectacular in the finished designs.
"Problem Stitcher?" How about this: twice a year, my LNS has a 20% off everything sale. VERY busy. They also have a large Japanese clientele. So there I am in line, waiting to have fabric cut, and the lady before me? Oh, dear. She wants her sampler to be narrower than it is (do-able, I s'pose), she wants this color aida in that count, she wants miracles. Her husband is translating for her, her toddler is getting into L*K charts, and she's oblivious to the line of people waiting for fabric. Finally the clerk tells her she doesn't have time to re-chart the sampler for her. EGADS. Then? She wants the W of the Nora Corbett Fairy series today, for the sale.
Makes me pushing the cutting table and squishing the clerks look so minor in comparison. ;o)
I love the PS and your squares are lovely. I so understand about the colors though. I have noticed that too. Maybe they pick them out in the dark?
I hear you on the photos. I too tend to wait until the camera card is full to download. :)
I hope your weekend working at the LNS is less stressful and all the stitchers are experienced. :)
Thank you for your comment on my blog about my lack of sleep. Yes, last night was a good one. She slept straight through. LOL
Girl I cleaned my glasses and that ain't red :o) LOL!
I can hear ya about the time deal...I'm glad I have a job too...but wouldn't be so much more fun if we could just earn money sitting on our bums cross stitching?!
Nice stitching, the RR looks really neat! No idea how you have time to do all you do gal! Huggers!
Hi Ruth,
That's a great RR and your contributions of "C", "W", and "X" will help complete this project! Are we sad that the "R" was already completed? :-)
There are interesting people everywhere and they are very active when it's very busy, where ever we are! Just keep reciting your words of wisdom and you'll get through the day!
I'm one of the ones that they pin down until I decide it's time to move on... :-)
Windy Meadow
Love the RR - nice stitching!
Love the PS RR! Have fun this weekend - at least go in early so you can get first pick of the sale items! LOL!
What a lovely RR! I may need me a PS fix after seeing that!
Tell the lady who can't decide which white to use, to just use one strand of each. Problem solved, haha!
I LOVE that RR! It looks fantastic.
I forgot ask- duh!- which PS chart is it from?
A lovely RR - first 'alphabet' one I've seen
I'm with you the colours are pretty drab. I did the witch with the pumpkins and changed all of the colours...lololol
Lovely RR.
Pretty Christmas Sampler. It's going to be a stunning RR piece when done.
Hey Ruth,
I couldn't find your email addy anywhere so I'm replying here to the comment you left on my blog regarding the laying tool. Thank you so much for your offer! I have a "big fat needle" type one, but I'm just not coordinated enough to use it when I'm working on something in hand. Do you think your LNS would have the type you wear on your finger?
This Christmas alphabet sampler is wonderful! Do you have info about where I might find the pattern?
Thanks - Jeanne
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