I give up. I’m just going to wallow in general grumpiness/out-of-sortedness today. Work wasn’t the world’s most salubrious place yesterday, then I went home and got thoroughly annoyed with MSNBC when I heard the commercial touting their election coverage. It included a line from one of their misc hosts who announced with enthusiasm that “we’re going to see history happen this year.”
I’m sorry, I can’t help myself. I simply have to “say” what I was grumbling to myself all night long….
"Look you utter moron, we get to see history happen every bloody day. History happens every minute to everyone. If you (you self-centered git) want to define “history” as “something really important” then, you know what? You’re still wrong. You want to be the one to tell the folks in Darfur that it’s too bad history wasn’t happening to them? Why don’t you mosey on down and tell Clara Rojas that it wasn’t historic yesterday when she was released after 6 years as a hostage of Columbian guerillas and got to see her son for the first time since he was 8 months old?" Yeah, I’ll be holding my breath for all the historic attributes of MSNBC’s coverage.
Off soap box.
Well, off soap box ‘cept for one whine – I come in today, grumpy as we have already ascertained, to get a new research project that apparently has as its personal goal kicking my assets. Dang it, it is so annoying when you’re certain the answer exists and yet the information still gets the better of you! Anyone well-versed in the Asian auto market and the business models of Asian car dealerships? Sigh.
Now, definitely off soap box.
I owe a TNNA (The National Needlework Association) report from last weekend. Yes, go ahead and hate me. I get to go the TNNA tradeshow every January and see tons of cool stuff that’s available in the world of needlecrafts. Nope, it’s not open to the public, but I go as a sort-of-employed member of my LNS’ team. I always say that my official job is “shop rememberer.” Long about July I’ll get a call that goes something like this: “hey, do you remember seeing a monkey wearing a tutu canvas?” Then I’ll get the call: “Did anyone at the show have any nice, not comic frog patterns?” And I tell them. I don’t know – some days I have trouble remembering what my name is, but I always seem to be able to remember which booth out of the hundreds at the show had a nice, paisley pillow top, not too large, primarily in earth tones.
Anyway, TNNA (which is mostly needlepoint, knitting/crocheting, and supplies – threads, needles, lights, lotions, etc) was lovely.

That’s last year’s show floor I think. And now you see why the most essential thing to remember for TNNA is not your stitching, but rather your really, really good walking shoes! It was in Long Beach which I highly recommend as a convention city so long as you don’t need more than a couple, close, big hotels. We shopped all day Saturday and I think we were successful although we never did find “classy golf “ or swimmers doing the breaststroke canvases. I got to chat with “old friends”—hiya Marty of Gimmies Designs! (Marty does some lovely dragons, birds, and other critters – they are all so dang cute they’ll make you smile.) I have quite a collection of Marty’s canvases to do and I just ordered 3 more. I’ve done a whole total of one out of my pile of her stuff ---

I really need to get in gear on her pieces.. heck, everyone’s pieces!
Beyond Gimmies, I placed orders for a number of small ornaments. Possibly small I can manage??? ....she says that hopefully! I also vouched for the yumminess of Crescent Colors belle Soie silk line so now we’re carrying all 60 current colors and we’ll get the 10 colors due out in 2 weeks as soon as they are ready! Yahooooo!!! Sad to say TNNA is over for another year. But now I get to look forward to all the packages as they filter into the shop over the coming months.
I do have to share my TNNA giggle. There’s a woman talking on the cell phone and I get only her side of the conversation which goes like this:
“You’ll have to help him, you know.
Yes, but you’ll still have to help him.
Promise me you’ll help him.
Well sure, but you still need to help him.
… [and the kicker…]
He’s just a BOY so you have to help him.”
And “boy” came out in such a way that indicated said Y-chromosome bearer might be around about 45 years old. I had to walk away to avoid chuckling out loud. Weaker sex my fanny. lol
That about sums up TNNA -- tired feet, cross-eyed from power shopping, and generally exhausted.
I also owe some more pics of my stash accomplishments of late –
Amy sent me a wonderful Christmas prezzzie along with my order from Down Sunshine Lane’s end of the year sale (it’s not too late!…. The sale continues with great deals hidden all over her
site! Yeah, I know, I didn’t need any more stash. It was on sale! lol
My shopping:

Stop me before I stash again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Say, want to meet a friend of mine? Drop by and say hello to
Janaina. She’s doing her best to hold up the stitching honor of the Southern Hemisphere by signing up for practically every exchange on the planet. Hi, J.!
More tomorrow… hopefully less grumpy too!
Happy 249th birthday to The British Museum! This museum-industry icon and home to the Rosetta Stone opened on 15 January 1759. A venerable career despite all the misc fracases over the Elgin marbles, Nazi looted art, etc. Here’s wishing you another 249 years of collecting and displaying!
P.S. Sweet Pea -- I'm so glad we share a secret power. lol