That was today’s Fly Lady question. You know, I’d really like to know the answer to that too! I took out 4 bags of trash yesterday (and amassed another 2 bags but didn’t get them out to the dumpster. Sure, it’s on my way out in the morning, but I had so much work to carry I wouldn’t have fit through the door with any more bags in my hands. They’ll just have to wait for tonite! And, in response to the abovementioned question, I really do need to dedicate at least a half hour every evening to dispersing my crap. Sure, more than a half hour would be better, but I know my tolerance. I’d rather be especially proud for doing more than my allotted time than dispirited at not fulfilling requirements. LOL I doubt you’ll get photo updates on my progress, because it’s just too dang humiliating to fess up to the extent of the piles! Rest assured – the lack of photos constitutes a boon to your sanity.
Desk Fest 2007 continues apace though. I thought I’d try a Monday and Friday/Saturday check in on the Desk. Frankly I’m not sure how good looking it will ever get, but maybe it will prove amusing (at least for me) to follow the ebb and flow of junk through my office (for instance if I photoing today, you’d see the book one of my consultants brought me to return to one of our other offices. He’d return it himself, but he can’t remember who he borrowed if from. Apparently it’s my job to email around and ask who he borrowed from. Sigh.) So here’s my Sunday evening/Monday morning shot. Hopefully by the end of the week it will look better/different.
view from the door to right counter:

central counter:

left counter:

When not dealing with the counter, I’ve made progress on my Sweetheart Tree Fruit of the Vine hearts. I need 4 of these for my sister for Christmas. [The idea is to have a series of 4 of these in different wine varieties.] I would like general acclaim from the masses for the fact that I have not let the excessive amount of fiddly vines to deter me!

Oh, and I pulled a couple of sparkly threads for my continuing effort to adjust the Halloween Fairy to my own vision. While working at my needlepoint shop this weekend I picked up a Treasure Braid and a Kreinik #4 braid for the “spots” at the edges of the wing. This shot shows the threads in order of appearance on the wing. Some day I’ll get stitching!

Whatcha think?
Several weeks ago I picked the following up at Target.

They are rather weighty, but I think they should make pretty good tiny ornie frames for next year. The square ones are either black or cream. The rounds are all deep red. The little circles on each of the frames are sparkly "diamonds." Who knows why I'm already contemplating next year's ornaments since I counted how many I currently have 22 done and needing finishing for this year! Anyway, I got the frames for $3 each -- seemed a reasonable price for some fancy ornament finishing that will hopefully be fast and easy.
Quote of the day: My basic position is that elephants are non-metallic.
Mr. Rosenbaum – Too Many Women – Rex Stout
Thankful for: All of you kind stitchers who leave such thoughtful and sweet comments on my slooooow progress. I do appreciate you all.
Currently reading: Stoker's Dracula -- Still very engaging. I'm very impressed; Green's The Man with the Golden Torc.
ACCLAIM! ACCLAIM! Those are not vines, that is (horrors) backstitching! And you are attempting four of these? Heroic!
I really like the little ornament holders. I was in Target today, but didn't buy anything. We were looking for plastic tablecloths for the Holiday Party on the 15th, but Target didn't have any. KMart did, plus more purple balls for the white Christmas tree.
YES! More sparkly threads for Halloween Fairy. I really like that green Treasure Braid (I used it on my Pineapple Needlepoint). I'll probably substitute a lot when I get around to stitching her (in 2009?)
The Flylady scares me. Seriously. Though I do keep my sink clean, just in case she stops by.
Your stitching looks great! And those little frames are so cute!
Ruth, your desk scares me... it reminds me of how my workspace gets from time to time! lol
Halloween Fairy is looking great, love the changes.
The frames are too cute. Love the snowman! ;-)
Your stitching is looking great, Ruth! I can't wait to see how the fairy's wings turn out!
Good luck with the desk!
You're certainly brave for attempting four fiddly vine hearts. I think one would be more than enough for me!
Good luck with the continuing cleanup. My room is pretty much in the same state at the moment. Where does all the junk come from? Cleaning makes me loose the will to live, so I can either a) keep the rest of the house presentable (most of the time) or b) keep the jungle that is my room in order. The former always wins.
wow, brave woman posting pictures of your desk .. reminds me of my stitching room! lol :)
Oh those frames are great! Never thought of using them for ornaments .. silly me! I'll have to go and see if our Target has any left .. of course I'm expecting one next year at MB! lol ..
Halloween Fairy is looking great .. love your ideas for her wings :)
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