I wonder who these might be winging their way to? I still have a collection still to wrap AND I have about 7 ornies that need to be finished so I can wrap them AND I have to find two of my gifts for my BIL, but all things considered, I think I did ok.
Tonight's goals:
1. find the BIL gifts
2. finish the ornies for mailing
3. work on the Christmas cards -- yeah, like I'm going to get to that one!!! lol
4. FIND my Pals convention address list! Sheesh, I had it to make out the card list, but I don't suppose you know where that went? -- Off to look for something else while asking Sts. Anthony and Christopher to intercede on my behalf!
5. watch round 7 of the NFR!!!! Woo hooo -- I do love 10 days of rodeo as a pre-Christmas present to my very own self!
Recently finished: Ursula LeGuin's A Wizard of Earthsea. Nice. I really like that she just tells the story-- if she creates a food or flower or word, she doesn't feel compelled to explain it to you. I really, really appreciate that. I just can't stand a science fiction book that explains everything it creates-- give me some credit for being able, at the very least to go with the flow if not just plain ole figure it out as I go along. Sheesh. Oh, and Harlan Ellison should win every award out there as an audio book reader.
I used to watch the NFR while studying for finals in college. I did better with some noise in the background, so I'd hole up in my room with the rodeo on the TV...not really paying close attenion, but kind of knowing what was going on.
I will now forever link the NFR in December with the worry of exams and the anticipation of getting home for Christmas!
"Oh, and Harlan Ellison should win every award out there as an audio book reader."
Until you hear Neil Gaiman read Fragile Things. He is really marvelous.
Kendra -- LOL me too-- kinda!!! I can't study with talking around so I couldn't watch the rodeo and it was during finals. lol Then, once I was the grader and not the gradee, I couldn't listen or watch because it was far more engaging than any of the exams I was given. Now I'm finding it very liberating to be able to watch without guilt for not studying or grading. lol
Kathryn-- Yes, Neil should read Neil-- he's perfect. And Roger Zelazny should be the only person allowed to read Roger. Stephen Briggs or Terry Pratchett can read Terry. If those situations are up against Harlan, then Harlan might have to be second, but other than that... Harlan wins.
Wow, that's a pile of boxes my dear. I too need to get the Christmas cards filled out. And, funny you mentioned it, last night I was also looking around the piles in the living room thinking, "where is the PALS book from this year?" Hopefully, I'll get my cards done tonight. Have fun watching NFR.
look at those boxes, do you need my addy? lol
I really can't stand fantasy authors that incessantly describe everything. I was reading a discussion about the late Robert Jordan and the new guy appointed to finish off The Wheel of Time series. No more 1000 page monstrosities full of dress descriptions!
I read everything except Sci-Fantasy, Ruth. What's wrong with me??? I just don't get it!!! HELP!
What a pile of boxes! I just did my time at the post office today. And I really must finish some ornaments... Enjoy NFR and your reading.
I read Wizard of Earthsea years and years ago. I remember that it was a trilogy, and that I enjoyed it also.
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