The accomplishment I speak of is that earlier this week ST Fruit of the Vine #2 (of 4) was completed!!! Wooo hoo!!!!!!!!!

I'm calling it my Zinfandel heart. Now only two left -- Rose is underway to be followed in short order by Champagne.
Once again I've been terribly lucky. I received my Cross Stitch Pals ornament exchange this week from JennyIL --

Not only a STUNNING ornie, but a beautiful card, and silk, and Kreinik!!!!
Just look at the ornie close up -- how lovely is this!

Sure, it's supposed to be a partridge, but you know in my life it simply must be a CA Quail!
I also lucked out with fresh stash from Silkweavers and Down Sunshine Lane
A couple solos:

both are kinda purple-ish and I go them to consider for "Believe" by Enchanting Lair -- another possibility for it is the "Grape Ripple" that came in the same pouch --

Non-fabric stash bought me:

(In honor of the hollyhocks that were along mom's driveway)

Yes, I certainly do have far too much to stitch. I keep looking at that list of things I'd like to start in 2008 and thinking I'm completely insane. I'm sure I'm not the only one... right? Do you all have far too many things you want to start? Anyone good at disciplining yourself to keep from starting everything/wanting to start everything right now?
I'd best go. I have a hot date for book shopping and dinner! Can't keep books waiting, right? Maybe tomorrow I'll finally get around to explaining Cons. I think hereabouts Kathryn is the only one who knows them intimately... or otherwise. But I'd highly recommend them to any fans out there. There's nothing quite like being surrounded by folks just as geeky about your fiction and science as you are.
Happy stitching to all!
Quote of the day: … Nature works on such a hopeful basis that we believe against ourselves that things will be as they ought to be, not as we should know that they will be. Transcendentalism is a beacon to the angels even if it be a will o’ the wisp to man. Dr. Seward -- Dracula -- Bram Stoker
Finished this afternoon: Bram Stoker's Dracula -- Very, very cool. Not blood and gore terrifying; remarkably modern in tone if not portrayed manner; still extremely readable.
Currently reading: Guess what? Green! lol
Those Fruit of the Vine pieces are just gorgeous - you've done such a wonderful job on them.
woo hoo! congrats on the finish! It's lovely :)
and you take my breath away with all the new stash and fabric! I wanna move in with you :)
Pals ornament exchange? hmmmmm, how'd I miss that? lol Very wonderful ornament!
I'm so glad to hear from someone else who thought Bram Stoker's Dracula was modern, considering the time it was written. Most of the time, people think I'm joking when I say something like that.
And your stitching! Ha! I keep saying that I need to learn to stitch with my toes, and I can see I'm not the only one! ;)
Ruth, I have a case of "start-itis" as well... it's very hard not to start all these lovely new things isn't it? Just pick one & get to it... what can anyone do about it? We'll all join in & laugh right along with you! ;-)
Sending hugs my friend!
The ornament you received is gorgeous, and you picked up some wonderful stash. Plenty to chose from for stitching in 2008!
Nice work with the stash haul! You're certainly set for 2008. :) I've got so, so many starts planned for 2008 - enough to last me for years. It's part of the reason I started up my (kinda) strict rotation system.
Beautiful finish with the heart, can't wait to see the rest.
Hi Ruth, I love your beautiful heart with all the "fiddly" vines. I've never been to a Con, but my husband and I have read many of the older, classic sci-fi novels. I read(or listen) mostly in the mystery genre now though, with an occasional fantasy title every now and then.
Congrats on your finish-very pretty. Love all the stash too, I think one can never have enough-though at times I do feel a "little" guilty-LOL. The ornment you received is great.
Ooooh i am so jealous of all that LHN stash! Have you been over to my blog? The current RR im working on is all Dear Diary charts, its a stunner.
The heart is so pretty! Love that ornie too, looks like a Prairie Schooler design??
Great new stash! Lovely finish and exchange!!
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