Sigh. It was my blogiversary on the 3rd. Dang. I should have gotten myself a cake or something. lol
In honor of the "event" I am following through on a piece of grand luck. I fortuitously received a spot in Jeanne's ( http://willowtreestitcher.blogspot.com/ ) PIF a couple months ago. Now it's my turn.
The first 4 commentators and Kathryn (who hands-down wins the prize for Most Frequent Comment Leaver) will get a little something from me. If there are comments beyond the first 4 by tomorrow (11/7) when I leave work, I'll draw a name out of a hat from everyone past the initial 4 (and Kathryn) to join the PIF. It might take me some months because I'm dang slow, but nonetheless Mr. Postman will visit 6 of you.
NOTE: The standard sort of PIF "rules" apply -- I promise to deliver unto you something stitchy and you promise to pay-it-forward sometime... soon? Although the "rules" don't apply to Kathryn because she really got hijacked into this. lol
Thanks for a year and 3 days of fun and friendship!!!!
Happy Blogaversary! Count me in!!
Happy blogiversary!
[[blush]] Can I still post a Thank You? Actually, you should thank Google Reader. It makes sure I never miss a post, especially from blogs I love, like yours.
Hey Ruthie! I don't post often, but I read your blog all the time. Happy "blogiversary" my friend & lots of hugs!
Happy, happy blogaversary!!!!
Well it's bringing everyone out of the woodwork now isn't it?! LOL!
Happy returns and many more days, weeks and years of blogging fun!
Happy Bloggerversary!
Get yourself a button! Here's one ; you'll never miss another blogoversary. (And now we have three ways of spelling it!)
well Happy Blogaversary gf!!! Chris and I should have toasted you last night! lol .. yup, I got to have dinner with her! omgosh we had a great time .. were your ears burning??
ok .. I don't know if I'm too late or not, but if I'm not .. add me to the growing list please .. I'm going to start a new PIF in January .. so you can sign up! lol
I'll be emailing you .. Chris and I have some thoughts we need to share!
oh and thank you Anna for the blog button .. I didn't even know I was sooo close to mine!
Happy Blogaversary, Ruth! Your stitching has been glorious this year, and your blog is just delightful to read. I'm so happy you're here!!
Happy blogaversary!!
I wont be entering your pif, too many other projects on the go, but good luck with it :)
I'm not sure how to email you the information, but my email is nfdemtp74@yahoo.com. My blog is stitchinmedic@blogspot.com. I would like something that you would like! I'm so excited. Now I'll have to post the opportunity on my blog!
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