Now back to the mundane: Here I am at work again. I love work, really I do. I like what I do... well, I like it when I can find at least part of my desk and today is a good say. Today I found nearly about 1/2 of my desk! wooo hooo-- toss that confetti .. but do it out in the hall please. I don't want to have to clean the little bits off the floor.
After 12 full hours I have a half clean desk, 3 of 8 things on my to-do list done, and a very happy feeling. I can pack up and head home for some more work I left there and a little stitching! What an exciting life I lead.
I keep promising ornie updates, well here they are:
I'm not sure if I've shown this first one-- it's a fairly recent finish though and I think I was holding it in reserve...

I went on a finishing splurge on Wednesday night and got these done -- the treble clef was a Tuesday night stitch project

Night night all! Pleasant dreams and happy stitching. Wish me and the other half of my desk luck for tomorrow.
Things to be thankful for: Well duh, 5 days to LosCon!!!!!!
Aaaaargh! Only five days. We have to pack for two parties (Westercon in 2008), get ready for our panels (I have three on Saturday) and make sure we have enough brochures for the fan table. I'm glad I'm not con chair for this Westercon. I just have to run Programming. I promised to have invitations to program participants by January. I better start making lists.
Great finishes!!!!
what can I say .. love your finishes :) you are the ornament queen of 2007!
Great ornaments! Especially that first one is so lovely!
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