You really should see these sheep in person! OMG One of them is wearing a traditionally-patterned wool sweater! lol
The threads are from Crescent Colors -- the nearly black is for Mirabilia's Halloween Fairy and the limey green may be a replacement shade for the same piece. I'm sorry Mirabilia Co, but the color included as the main one for the wings in the kit was ugly.

Now, please go forth and have a lovely rest of your day. Tomorrow, if we're both lucky, I'll have TWO ornament pictures to share! Cross your fingers!!!!
Quote of the day: from the documentary/review of Halo3 on SciFi last night (sorry I can't remember which geek said it)-- "We've had as many as 120,000 simultaneous players at the same time." -- Sorry, I couldn't help it; it made me laugh until I cried.
Things to be thankful for: That it's close enough timewise to begin making lists of things to remember to do before/pack for the 2007 Cross Stitch Pals Reunion in Myrtle Beach!!! Wooo Hoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if you're not on the Pals BB (www.crossstitchpals.com if you can make it, you should try. It is so very, very, very fun!
Oh boy, that's a good one, "simultaneous players playing at the same time!" LOL!
Great new stash!!
Myrtle Beach is my MIL's favorite place by the sea. We went there once with the rest of the family and had a great time playing miniature golf. It must be the miniature golf capital of the WORLD! Over 23 separate courses. We also ate in the BEST Indian restaurant I have ever been in. Sorry I can't remember the name of it or exactly where it is located.
Thanks, ladies.
Barbara -- I should really lock my keyboard so I can't order more stash! It's getting kinda ridiculous. Annnnnd I have a Silkweaver order pending and another series on back order somewhere else. What was I thinking???
Kathryn-- Oh no! I love Indian food. I have such a hard time believing there's good Indian in Myrtle Beach though lol. We usually hit Crabby Mike's for far too much crab and Margaritaville because Jimmy Buffett is essential despite the fact that his burgers are less than amazing. no golfing though.. strictly stitching and gossip. It's wonderful.
I just happen to be stitching Trellis right now. I am enjoying every minute of it, I am stitching it over 1 on 28 count Lugana. See my blog for photos.
I was in Myrtle Beach a couple of years ago, my mom took me, she lives in Summerville, SC. We went to Dolly's Dixie Stampede and a plantation while we were there.
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