Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Wuthering Heigts, eh?


What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com

Dramatic? Romantic? What??? Not a word about sarcasm or smart aleckishness? I think they may be a bit off on me. Of course, being not so much the movie person (classic or not) I can't really offer them another option.

I have to show you my humor shot of the day. You see, my BIL on his Thanksgiving trip out here installed smoke detectors where the inspector told us we needed them. One was in my childhood bedroom which was really a large hallway to my parents room. So, he installed it there and we've found it works just fine. Every time we bake anything in the oven it goes off. Now the kitchen is 15-20 feet away from the smoke detector and so far we haven't burned anything. Still, it goes off. Well, today I'm out sorting stuff in my room at the very back of the house -- one closed door and probably 30-40 feet from the kitchen and I hear the detector go off. Well I crack up because I know my sister just started baking some cookies and now the alarm is going to go off every 5 minutes. I didn't really notice that it didn't go off again until I came in to pick up some more stuff for sorting and found:
Poor detector
The poor detector is now living on the corner of hte dresser in mom's room where I'm sleeping. I just cracked up. It solved the cookie-baking problem though.

Also today I found a cache of xs stuff and needlepoint canvases. I photoed the canvases. Sheesh I think there are another 40-50 of them. For instance:
sothwestern basket carrier
Sew Much Fun elepahnt
log cabin heart
poinsettia on gilded mesh
Ewe and Eye checkered tree ornie
I guess it's time I readjusted my stitching plans for 2007. Obviously this needs to be a finishing year!!!! So here goes --

In 2007 I would like to:
1. Finish 12 needlepoints
2. Finish 12 xs other than ornies
3. Finish in the neighborhood of 30 ornies

Let's all cross our fingers and hope real hard on my behalf, shall we?

And I close tonight by asking again.... Wuthering Heights?????....

Your Hair Should Be Blue

Wild, brilliant, and out of control.

You're a risk taker with an eye to the future.

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