Sigh. Maybe I just need to bask in some former glory....

There he is, The Man Himself, Sir Terry Pratchett -- with his assitant, Rob meeting an upscale C.M.O.T. Dibbler with a lovely tray of sausages in buns. (For those of you versed in these things, they were prime Dibbler sausages -- made out of stucco I think) This was at one of the signings -- you got a signed bookplate and Sir Terry would stamp your con passport. It's a thing. Actually, it's a thing I should take pictures of. Hmmm.
The line for the signing was entertaining as well --

Yup-- the Death of Rats and probably Tiffany given that she's clutching a feegle.
Even the halls were festively entertaining --

Detritus posed for pictures with my bear, Missy.

And posters abounded -- this one from the Sunshine Santuary for Dragons.
Not only did I fictionally (is it still fiction if there are actual Deaths of Rats and feegles roaming the halls?) entertain myself, but I also started a new project --

That's the beginning of America by BBD. I've changed a number of the colors called for because when I pulled the collection they looked nothing like the colors in the picture. In this case I rally love this piece as pictured so I had to go color hunting. I think it has worked out for hte best. We'll just have to wait and see. Mind you, Since the plane ride to Wisconsin, I haven't worked on this at all. So much for the exhuberance of a new start.
You'll know if you watch the sidebar here that I've actually had a lot of new starts -- Not only have I recently started 3 surprises (sorry no pics), but I've even finished one. I also started and finished Round 25 of F&S for Elaine. Of course I can't show you that but I can show the floss toss --

I can say that the squares were fun to stich up until I was an idiot and had to pull out a bunch of over-1. That was a whiney, 3-day process. It could have been accomplished in a day, but I did mention the whining, right? I think what made it really annoying was that before I put in that particular over-1 part in I thought that the thread might not be dark enough for over-1ing. Then when I got part way through the stitching and thought that the thread was really too light to show. Did I stop at either point, hop over to the Belle Soie bag and pull out a darker color? Nooooo. I fished stitching, carefully ran the tail under in a couple directions so it wouldn't get loose, and then sat back waiting to be proud. I wasn't. It was too light. Drat frell drat. Why can't I think when in the grips of stitching?
Other than the things I can't show you, I did make progress on while away on some things you can see. For one, Rose City Stitchers--

I was enjoying this a lot in Madison, but I haven't worked on it much since I got back. Maybe this weekend when I should be cleaning and I probably will be napping.
And I did have a convention finish --

I did all but the gold ring in the airport and on the flights to Madison and finished the edge and the take-aways rows at the con. This is one of a set of 3 little ornaments I have from Richland Designs. I did the colored stripes in Fyre Werks and Silk Lame in the mosaic stitch. The white is Snow and the gold is Fyre Werks and both are basketweave.
I suppose I need to get back and check on my Microsoft search bot which is hunting a lost folder. A pox on all people who don't properly label their documents and folders!
Happy stitching to all----
P.S. For those of you familiar with Sir Terry and his world, the con was a success. About a thousand memberships and quite a number of single-day attendees made the trek to Madison. If you know his personal story, you will understand when I say it was 5 days of great joy tempered by sadness. He shouldn't have Alzheimers -- no one should. It's vicious and vile.