Speaking of guilty projects-- wanna see what I've been up to?
Beatrix got an airing and not only did I finish the jumbo beaded flower (what was I thinking?????), but I even got another motif (blissfully bead-free) done:

On the stocking I settled on a stitch for around the name. Here's the first stage partially done:

And here it is with stage 2 begun -- the Silk and Ivory base stitch is getting a cross angle in a white, opalescent Tiara braid

You can't really see it so well in the pic. I'm sorry. Trust me, it's really, really cool.
And I finally have a shot of a finish for you --

Ok, so it's not the biggest piece ever--- at least it's DONE!
I have to leave you for now. I need to get ready to go off to a ...err... talk? Neil Gaiman is having an evening of conversation on campus so I am off to be entertained. -- Don't forget to wear red tomorrow for the American Heart Association's awareness campaign on heart disease in women!
One final thought that Kathryn spurred with her guilty discussion. Given the "faithfulness" of all stitchers for their projects [oh come on, you know you leave one lay when another looks better/prettier seems more fascinating/important, etc.], if we were spouses we'd all be paying huge alimony settlements for well, "stitching-around." Bunch of fickle, undependable, and unpardonably loose women and men -- that's what we are. Nathaniel Hawthorne would certainly have made us wear a scarlet letter.... of course if we had to stitch it ourselves it could be a year or two before we got it done.
LOL about stitching the scarlet letter! Great projects you've got going and the beading is extra special!
Great stitching on all of these!
Hey, you're stitching. I'm certainly not going to ask "On what?" Read James the part about the scarlet letter and he laughed, too.
And I did work more on Angel Cat today. Only 1,234 days until it is finished.
Great stitching!! I can relate to the guilt-o-meter pinging wildly when it comes to my older WIPs that I still want to finish. I just wish it would spur me on to work on them! Have a great weekend.
How was the Neil Gaiman evening? We heard him a few years ago at the Book Festival in D.C. and he was very entertaining.
Hi Ruth,
Love the background stitch on the stocking cuff. Will look gorgeous!
Thanks for sharing your other stitching progress. Yes, I'm partial to needlepoint. :-)
Stitching faithlessness!!! Laughing out loud at that one. :-)
Have you talked to your family in DC? We have over 24+ inches up here. Just waiting to see how much we actually got but it's a lot!
Windy Meadow
What a neat idea ti use beads for several parts of the Beatrix sampler. Makes your sampler so very special.
I always stitch completely guilt free. I stitch on the WIP that attracts me most, and when there isn't any I create a new one by starting something, lol.
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