Here it is Saturday night, 8:37pm and I'm at my office having just finished my ***first*** goal for today, namely paying office bills. Another 12 hours and maybe I'll feel good about what I "accomplished" today. I was really planning on spending tomorrow at ***home*** ... working, but at home. Sigh.
Anyway, enough whinging for now. I owe so many updates. Where to start. Where to start....
Just this week I joined a yahoo group, the Friendly Stitchers, and my heavens they are friendly! They are also very inspirational. They have a Thursday night UFO SAL so I joined in and got some progress in two long-dead UFOs and one minorly ignored UFO:
First I bring you My M Designs Bourse from Mary's class at Cross Stitch Pals in 2007!

that there is the little needle pillow for the middle of the bourse. It had been lacking 3 flowers and 5 flower centers since fall 2007. How sad is that?
Then here's my progress on a 2006 RR. Say, Sassies-- remember this???? lol

All it has been waiting for for probably 2 years is the backstitching on my section. Kudos to the Friendly Stitchers, now I've begun--

I got 2 flowers, some berries, 3 leaves, and the basket outlines so far. Woo hoo! It's a verifiable miracle!!!
I also picked up a Shepherd's Bush (Adore, I think) that had been hanging out next to the bed for a few weeks now and he got the rest of his vest, his sleeve, his bloomers, and part of his head piece --

I interrupt this stitching progress to report on the continual suckishness of Time Warner.
Ok, possibly you remember my battle with Time Warner over the installation of digital cable which disabled my VCR, and ended up with the installation guy saying look, lady (a real presumption on his part I must say!) we don't promise it will work, we just promise to install it. Anyway, the corollary story is about my friend Jennifer. I call her Lucky Jennifer. Everything just seems to work out to her benefit. She calls Time Warner to add the Internet to her cable package. When Mr. Salesman wants to know why she doesn't switch her phone service to them as well she tells him how they once disconnected her cable because there wasn't a tag on her wire in the basement of her building so they figured it wasn't supposed to be connected and when they sent out someone to connect her cable he came (in his cable company van) without the tool to connect the cable to the main cable box in the building (sooooo brilliant). Anyway, so she tells the salesman this and he says he's so sorry he's going to give her a free movie channel for 2 years. Me? I get told they don't promise the system will work. Lucky Jennifer gets free movie channels.
At my mom's house when the cable went out I needed up fighting and waiting on hold for forever while they worked out what they could do and wondered how I could have the temerity to have a cable box so old that it didn't have a serial number on it. Eventually we get told we must present ourselves and our certified power of attorney documents and duplicates of the death certificates for my mom which they already had but couldn't find at the cable office to get a new box (at the cable office they wanted to see nothing but still marveled at how old the cable box was). Lucky Jennifer arranges to pick up the internet install kit from their storefront, goes there, puts 23 minutes on the meter and gets back to her car with 19 minutes still on the meter.
Sigh. See. Lucky Jennifer.
Ok, back to the stitching --
There's been some progress on the whiskey piece:

It's just a little progress, but it's working so much better on the frames. BTW, have I mentioned how much I love Splendor as opposed to floss?
And some progress on Vierlanden:

Actually there is more progress on this, but the pics are lagging. Sorry.
Finally, let me bring you a few more moments of the first North American Discowrld Convention where I:
bought books (and this isn't all of them)--

Had Sir Terry sign Nation and Once More with Footnotes (yup, that's my fat...err... posterior):

Got Missy up-close-and-personal with the Death of Rats and the Raven:

Did NOT eat rat-on-a-stick:

Had dinner with Twoflower and a wizard from Unseen University:

Had the honor of taking Twoflower and Miss Tick's family photo:

And watched Holy Wood Squares (staring Miss tick) with Harpo:

If you don't understand, go read Terry Pratchett. You will eventually get it all, and in the meantime you will laugh and laugh.
Quotes of the week:
"Do I need a button that says 'Tyrant'?" Lord Vetinari -- Making Money by Terry Pratchett
"If you trust in yourself... and believe in your dreams... and follow your star... you'll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren't so lazy." Miss Tick -- Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett