Anyway, without further ado -- For Anna (who loves French knots???? -- really? Does anyone really love French knots?) we have the first fry bread of the weekend--

Lunch is brought to you by the Hale family food booth. It features refried beans and ground meat with no onions.
And for our friend Siobhan I bring you dinner

From the Begay family booth. The Begays do their fry bread with chili beans, fresh onions, and salsa. Mind you things changed this year-- traditionally the Begays put out Rubbermaid squirt bottle-y things of salsa, but this year, as you can plainly see, they went pre-packed.
Anna and Siobhan, I hope you enjoy your virtual fry bread. (In case you were wondering while many of you were curious, only Anna and Siobhan exhorted me to eat on their behalf. This does NOT mean that next year if 12 of you ask me to "have one for you" that I will. I like fry bread and all, but there's gotta be a limit!)
In between lunch and dinner there was much singing to hear and dancing to see --

And I stashed a little --

Yup, more beads. For those of you very patiently waiting for RAKs from my blogiversary in the fall, you may recognize them in your mail soon. Gads I hope you recognize them soon!!!!!
Aside from powwow I had quite an adventure last weekend. In my last post I showed a BBD sampler that I did for my buddy Verna who turned 100 last week. Her daughter (my dear friend, Judy) threw her a 100th Birthday Festival on Saturday. Here's the happy (but cold) bday girl--

(For the record, she hates to smile in pictures, but she really is very friendly.) And here she is surrounded by her daughters and grandchildren--

She had a very successful bday, and the adventure continues! For the party her theme was "I can't believe I'm 100" now she starts every morning with "how much passed 100 am I?" Makes you smile too, doesn't it?
By the way I'd like to report that I'm not too smart. I carefully slather myself with SPF 55 lotion every year for powwow. But somehow I didn't think to do that when I went to the bday party despite knowing I'd be outside from noon until 5pm with no shade. See, not very smart. BUT!!!--- I did put on the lotion for powwow the next day-- does that constitute closing the door after the horse?
Well I'll close with wondering why, despite having stitched on and off all week I have no progress pics to show. Hmmm. Bad stitcher! Bad stitcher!
Instead of progress pics, I'll ask ya'll a question -- Do you have a project which you have stitched which you felt utterly compelled to do, but you had no real reason to do it-- no gift, no particular place to put it, no plans for its finishing, etc? I can't be the only one that projects grab for no apparent reason and won't let go of. Mine is Tudor Rose from Heritage Stitchcrafts:

I did it on white opalescent lugana with the threads that came in the kit. I can't explain why but I just HAD to do it. Even with all the BS vines I was compelled to work on it. I did it in probably 2005 or 2006 and it's hanging from a skirt hanger on the door of my closet. Apparently stitching compulsions in my life do not lead to finishing compulsions.
So, that's my thinking-piece for the weekend. I can't wait to see what projects have "talked" to you!
P.S. Anyone else wanna go stand in line with me for G-Force? I mean come on animated, intelligent hamsters as trained covert operatives? Come on, you know you want to.
P.S.S. Drat I missed a pair of scissors. I'll owe you a pic of those.
Goal for the weekend: Make progress on either the Zuni bear or the shawl dancer needlepoint and on Vierlanden. Let's see if I can report happily on Monday.
you got one of the pieces i was drawn to stitch and have had hanging in my closet for awhile for no real reason. And then i finally let go. LOL
You have been busy! Great pics of everything. Just for the record, I love your Tudor Rose and totally understand why you stitched it! LOL
BTW, Thanks for asking about my friend? She's doing well so far!
I don't know how you had two over the course of the day. I had one and I think I'm good until next year. But thanks for eating it for me. I should do much more vicarious eating! LOL.
What great pics of the pow wow! Aren't their costumes gorgeous!? Your tudor rose is lovely - you should finish, finish it - it's too pretty to be kept hanging around on a skirt hanger.
Great pictures of the Pow Wow and of your friend's 100th birthday. I was enjoying looking at them.
And oh, a Heritage Stitchcraft piece. I love them and I'm sure that I have the Tudor Rose in my stash, too. Looking forward to seeing it finished.
The fry bread looks really interesting. In New England, they do "fried dough" that you slather with butter, powdered sugar and/or honey. I never thought of doing it as a hearty meal rather than a hefty dessert. I'll have to rethink that! LOL!
Oh, YUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMM!! Dinner looks so yummy. So does lunch. I might have shorted out my keyboard from drooling, but so far so good. Now, if you could knock back a margarita for me, all will be well. Oh, and a cup o'joe from Dunkin Donuts. :D
I LOVED the pow wow pics!! How cool. The birthday pics look great, too; what a fab weekend! I hope the sunburn isn't too bad.
Lovely stitching! I get like that with some pieces. Just stick it away in a drawer when it's finished and ponder over what you'll do with it.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Ruth,
Loved all of the pictures! Now I want to purchase some beads, go dancing, and now I'm hungry...
One day I'll have to write on my blog about Ms. Molly who many years ago was a lively 90+ years young!
Since I only stitch for me and my immediate family, I stitch what I want to stitch. I have too many projects I want to stitch to spend time stitching things I don't like. :-)
If I like it, eventually it's finished into something and is displayed in my home as it will go with the other things that I like.
If you stitched it, it's because you liked it so have it framed or finish it somehow and enjoy! :-)
Windy Meadow
Your post has made me smile Ruth. So many great things going on for you.
(and I feel your pain on the 40 hour weeks and having no time for sure!)
I also have lots of projects I stitch just because, some of them end up gifts later, and others are still wrapped up nicely in a drawer and one day maybe they'll go to good use. I do try, and have been successful lately, to stitch items I know will have a home.
Wonderful pictures from the pow wow. Ok, I never realized that the fry bread had stuff on it, I was imagining just the fried bread, fresh out of the deep fat fryer, which sounds yummy enough for me. But stuff on it.... extra YUMMMM.
oh yummy! that flat bread looks wonderful :) and I love the pictures from the pow wow and from the 100th birthday party :)
That sure looks yummy!!!
Thanks for sharing all pictures, looks like you all had a wonderful day.
That fry bread sure looks yummy. Beautiful photo's of the pow wow.
I have been compelled to finish a UFO that I didn't care for anymore and didn't understand why I even ever stated it, lol.
Wow 100 yrs old, Do I want to live that long?
G-Force... I just saw a commercial for it last night. Looks to be funny.
We want to see those scissors.
Note to self: Don't look at fry bread pictures before lunch!! Yummy!!
Love the photos of the powwow. What lovely colors.
Ruth give more details on that Pow Wow?
Pics are great
Great pics as always Ruth.
Never mind the fry bread - have a drink for me!
I really like Dan Simmons. He was my GoH at my Westercon (for Fires of Eden). I liked The Terror. I liked his Ernest Hemingway in Cuba book. I've read most of Dickens. I've read and liked several Wilkie Collins books. BUT I HATE DROOD. I only rate books after I have finished them, but 350+ pages in, I don't know if I WILL finish Drood. I'd rather read cereal boxes. I KNOW Victorian novels are rambling, but this is ridiculous. And the characters are ALL repulsive. YMMV, but so far it is one star.
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