Let's see, I owe pictures of completions and progress. I have FINALLY finished my Midsummer Night's Dream "Quaker Meetinghouse"

I've neglected getting a picture of this for a number of days, but trust me, when I finished this I was practically wiggling with happiness. I'm sure you understand! lol
I also finished my ornie for Simone's exchange

It's an adjusted version of a Trail Creek Farm piece from one of the JCS ornament issues. I changed the colors, added metallic (thanks to Kathryn for her kind gift of some Treasure Braid which was perfect for this), switched the word from "joyous" to "merry," and added the little JABC cardinal.
As for the progress---
Here's the last LosCon day's progress on Halloween Fairy

the threads on the left are the ones called for by the pattern for the wings, but they're just a touch too drab for my liking so I'm switching to the Silk n Colors on the right. Like the plan?
Since coming back from LosCon I've also hauled out my Vierlanden and my Quaker a la 6 Mains and made a little progress on each --

But I really need to get moving on the ST Fruit of the Vines for my sister. Sad to say, they are not inspiring me at the moment.... possibly that has something to do with them being at the backstitching/beading stage right now . lol
Speaking of getting moving, Kathryn inspired me with her post yesterday on trying to get organized and not letting the amount of tasks overwhelm you. I do believe she had my desk (err, whole life, but we'll just tackle the desk for now!) in mind. So I thought I'd try to do a task list (like I do every day) and see how far I got. I think I did pretty decently today-- shock of shocks. Here's the morning panorama:

And here's what the desk looks like now -- I don't get too many kudos though because 1) I worked through lunch and pretty much never left my desk the whole day, and 2) I only had two unexpected interruptions all day (an event that is quite unheard of!).

I'm thinking I'll start making desk/floor, and GASP maybe even hovel check-ins weekly features. Maybe then I'll feel incentivized to get stuff the heck out of my area!
We'll get back to Kathryn's inspirations next time. It's back to work on the counter for me!
Quote of the day: "The road to the apocalypse is paved with disposable food containers." Bones
[I can't help it, it just makes me lol.]
Thankful for: Terrie Louise in Tasmania who sent me this lovely thank you for stitching a quilt square for her sister who had a terrible car accident-- Bless you TL-- it was not necessary, but is greatly appreciated!

Currently reading: Bram Stoker's Dracula (never have read it before, and I think you ought to read one "classic" a year - I'm enjoying it and find it much more modern than I expected it to be. It's also making me itch to start Barbara Hambly's Redfield); Green's The Man with the Golden Torc