My purpose in Napa was to cheer my sister and brother-in-law on in their half-marathon and 10k race walk (respectively) efforts. I sucked as a cheerleader, but they did so well, they didn't really need me. Check out the happy couple post race:

And here's my sister holding court on the hill of Sonoma's Train Depot Park waiting for Tom to come in from his extra mileage:

Allow me to introduce Paula, family friend and fellow victorious race walker:

Sonoma was wonderful, beautiful, lovely. We stayed in a quiet B&B at the base of a wooded hill which was home to quail, deer, wild turkeys, turkey buzzards, and possibly some golden eagles. Get this, I survived a whole weekend in a cottage with no TV! No TV!!! Honest to pete -- no CSI, no NCIS, no Bones, no FoodTV, no Girls Next Door. It was amazing although disconcerting at first. lol But more on that and the pics tomorrow :)
Recently finished: Charlaine Harris' Definitely Dead -- it's been a long time since I've read someone new and simply couldn't wait to find out what would happen next. Bravo Charlaine! It was so fun I went right out and booked myself a membership to CopperCon in September where she's writer guest of honor! I can hardly wait.
Currently reading with enthusiasm: Simon Green's The Man with the Golden Torc. It's about time it was out. :-)
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