My stories revolved around a gay Vulcan minstrel. ;-)
The view from our chalet's porch included much wildlife --
Deer who liked the plants around the Chalets:

A frog who liked our front step:

Turkey vultures and the occasional Golden Eagle and hawk who, in groups as large as 12, surfed the air currents off the hill behind our chalet:

A crazy woodpecker who guarded his telephone pole very zealously:

And my very favorite -- California Quails who came out in a covey of 15 our last morning looking for breakfast:

Part three, Adventures in Viticulture, tomorrow.
We have a ton of quail around our Nevada house. I guess they get enough water from the golf course and of course they like the berries from the neighborhood plants, especially our pyracantha.
Hey, I thought pyracantha were supposed to be poisonous? I guess not to quail. :)
I booked myself into CopperCon for September. Might you be attending?
Thanks for the comments!
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