Friday, September 26, 2014

Good and Bad and Fridays

Hello world --- And a happy Friday unto you and yours.  Today I'm going to be accomplishful dang it  --- even if it kills someone.  Probably not me, probably today will be most likely fatal for a member of the corporate IT staff.  Don't worry, it will be justifiable.

In the happy world, here is my nearly done piece.  She needs some flowers (mostly likely will be floral sequins) to be completely done.   Oh happy days!   The sun rays are, for the record, alternating strings of beads -- yellow, orange, and red.

I was awash in near-done happiness so I unearthed my old Prairie Moon friend and got a little more lake put in and started a new building:

Then I felt the urge for something really new --- stop me before complete idiocy sets in!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm sorry;  I couldn't stop myself.  It was like an alien took over my body.--- yeah, that's it.  It wasn't me, officer, it was that alien who started yet another needle project despite there being dozens of languishing ones in the vicinity.

And I fear the insanity will continue.....    I kitted this up:

 Sigh.   It will never stop will it?   Is there a class on controlling my startitis I can take to help?

Oh, but check out this guilt-free bit of happiness--   My buddy Jenn (who I should by rights be annoyed with because after all this whole needlepoint distraction if entirely her fault!!!!!) brought this  lovely magnet back for me from ANG.  It really is cool and I'm very lucky she tolerates my fussing at her for the needlepoint addiction.

Oh Lord -- you don't think I'll get addicted to magnets now do you?  Argh

Ok, I'm going to sally forth and conquer my desk.  The first idiot that wanders p with another plan for my day is toast!  Have a great Friday and a fabulous weekend!


Preeti said...

:) I think all of us have that anxiety disorder or OCD (whatever it's called ) to start a new project every now and then. How powerful is this stitching mania, isn't it?
Don't worry we will review about the effect of magnetism after few months;) until then, just enjoy the gifts.

cucki said...

big beary hugs for you x

so many books said...

A post without Ethel is like a day without sunshine! but you've launched some very fun ones!

Thoeria said...

if you manage to find a cure to startistis then please pass it along! I've been relatively good this year....but only because I really need to get the big stuff outta the way!!

Danielle A said...

I have startitis too. It happens to the best of us! ;)

Justine said...

Just found your blog through the Mega Mini Monthly Madness sign up page. I look forward to seeing what you start (and finish? ) in October.