But I can show you my Ho Ho exchange ornies for Chris and Karen which I dropped on them while adventuring in AZ---


Shelleen is the next victim I think. Either she or Monique.
Oh, on the PaleyFest Mentalist evening, it was a nice success. I was shocked that the only "runaway hit of the year" had a half-full venue, but it certainly made it more comfortable to find seats and easier to get out of the parking lot. [Apparently the BSG/Caprica night was insane-- not only waaaay sold out, but also the precursor to a launch party at the same venue. I think I'm glad I didn't have to deal with the traffic that night.] I can tell you Simon Baker fans out there that he is certainly eminently viewable, but I believe that the personality that took the evening was Owain Yeoman. Very funny man. Very, very funny. For the record, apparently the humor of the set is giving grief to Simon for being named the "sexiest man on TV." Imagine the misery lol Oh, the fun I would have with that.
Speaking fo fun, anyone else think the new Jack in the Box commercial about "cows the size of schnauzers" is as hysterical as I do? Frankly, the thing that cracks me up is the line "herding cows the size of schnauzers." I'm not rushing out for the mini burgers, but "schnauzers" may be one of those words that's inherently funny.
By the way, check out the nifty new freebie from The Sampler Girl based on an Anne Frank quote.
Beautiful stitching and finishing! You always do such a lovely job.
Very pretty as always Ruth. And thank you. I feel I'll be organizing for the rest of my life. LOL
Those are two very nice ornaments you stitched and finished.
These are such ornamnets. Great job!
Hi Ruth,
Thanks for all of the stitching news but we want to see more pictures! :-)
Thanks for sharing the design by the Sampler Girl.
Windy Meadow
Wow, beautiful stitching and finishing! Can't wait to see pics of your other stitching, too.
This is already my second visit to your blog: I liked your works so much, so came another time to have a better look at them! :-)
And your pictures are very well done!
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Have a great week!
Beautiful ornies, Ruth :)
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