Since I was "on vacation" today (ie. using the comp time they don't pay me enough to consider a perk) it made sense that instead of testing out the hammock all afternoon I was at ... WORK! Sheesh. I WAS NOT going in. I was NOT. Then I was only going in to do the office bills.
Did I ever mention how much I hate office bills? It's not even my money and I hate office bills. Look, here's the short version. You subscribe to magazines, right? And you get annoyed when they send you those bi-weekly renewal letters starting the month after you renew, right? Well, I run a corporation library. We get 75-100 magazines or other periodical-type stuff. Imagine how many nuisance renewal bills I get every bloomin day. And I have to open them all (another pet peeve -- I want a Constitutional amendment requiring all envelopes to carry a complete business name and address on the corner where a return address is supposed to be. Don't make me open 10 letters a day to find out I could finance a Toyota for free or get a really good deal on Sports Illustrated.
Anyway, off soap box, I acquiesced to going in until lunch. Then I was planting my fanny in that hammock darn it. Do you know when I got to leave? Do you? 4 fricken 47 P.M. ("P.M." stands in this case for Pissy Mood since I missed nearly 4 hours of quality hammock time!).
Ok, I guess that's out of my system. I'm actually not nearly as bitter as I sound-- because I did get to come back to The Resort and test out the hammock for an hour. Here's proof -- the view in a feet-ish direction

Doesn't it remind you of Boston's really cool bridge? It does me.
The view up -- sigh. Tell me you can't see heaven from here:

BTW, leaves are really cool looking from underneath when they are lit from above. I'll have to try and get a decent pic. It was too hard to do with my eyes continually closing. lol
For the record, I didn't actually get up and fully extended in the hammock. I lay cross-ways and used my feet to push it like a swing. Reason being, I'm to tall to not have my head resting on the hammock's wooden bar. Yeah, I could have brought a pillow, but what the heck, I like swinging.
I made no finishes today (too mellow from hammock time I guess), but I can show a little progress:

A Gimmie's pengie -- I hope I get a better picture tomorrow to show off the two threads involved

A terribly lit shot of my over-one Isa Vautier ornie
And for your viewing pleasure some more of The Resort's environs and denizens--


Fritz and Frances (Fritz is the long one). They were at this stand off when I arrive. Apparently, even for all the years they've been together, they still don't trust each other enough to turn their backs on the one another.

Cassie "I swear it wasn't me that ate the catnip" Jones

Chou Chou (no she doesn't work-- what a shock, someone like Chouey being not so very functional)

The Captain (he tells all the chicks he was "in the war" to score free corn)


They certainly have a, uh, um, variety of different animals. Maybe I have that many, but 90% of them are in my closet on the stuffed animal shelf. And the tall one (the six foot rhinoceros on roller skates with serving tray or spear) is in San Francisco.
Sorry about your having to work on your day "off". Do they give time and a half for working comp time? Maybe you need an automatic letter opener (makes a slit along the top of the envelope so at least that step is automated)? Just slit and take directly to the shredder.
We are now in San Francisco for two nights. The one house that doesn't have air conditioning. It's not boiling hot, but it's too hot to sleep. May you find relief with only one air conditioner. We could use a fan.
Sorry you had to go into work! I've been dealing with work bills/ordering/finance stuff msyelf lately! What a pain!
I love that picture of the end of the hammock, the lines are fantastic!
I bet those animals don't shed, tear up newspapers, or need walks in the rain. ;)
Love the picture up into the tree leaves. That's sort of the view from our bedroom window and I just love it.
Enjoyed catching up with your posts. So many lovely pictures shared, thanks for sharing them.
that few is definately looking at heaven! I love hammocks :)
I enjoyed the rest of the zoo pictures! there's definately a few animals I would adopt!
Hope all goes well this weekend :)
Oooh I am so with you on the junkmail, I get loads from publishers too for stuff that we already subscribe too! Nightmare!
Love the hammock and tree photos :)
Great stitching too of course!
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