Whoopee! Boxes, boxes, boxes. A girl's best friend--- at least when she has stuff she needs to mail and no properly-sized boxes. It still doesn't get me the right to show you the pictures I really want to, but I'm pleased nonetheless.
Adding to my pleasure is the fact that since I finished my Fair and Square Round 6 squares for Mairi (pictures eventually), I was able to get back to my Halloween Fairy.
Chris' finishing her Mirabilia Christmas Elf spurred me on to get back to work on the fairy.

I started working on her on the train this morning and between the train and after a "fine" dinner of Der Weinerschnitzel chili cheese dogs while watching an episode of Nero Wolfe (the Tim Hutton series) with a buddy, I got the wing bits done. I think the color changes are working well so far. The black edges are supposed to be in the same dark brown as is used in the dress-- well, that wouldn't do so I replaed that Crescent Color with Vikki Clayton's black silk. And I thought any self-respecting fairy would have a little sparkle for a night of trick or treating so I replace the teal and green Crescent Colors used for the spots with Kreinik (the teal) and Rainbow Gallery's Treasure Braid (the green). The metallics are much thicker than floss so I decided to do only half-crosses.
I'm hoping to get those wing edges done before I give up for the evening. We'll all have to cross our fingers on that since I want to get to bed relatively soon since I came home to go to the local Indian high school powwow tomorrow. I am looking forward to a full day of powwow songs, turquoise, and fry bread! Especially fry bread!!!!!! Trust me, if you've never had a fry bread taco, you just haven't lived. Yummers!!
Oh, for those of you encased in snow still allow me to share the joys of a blooming garden --
the Cecil Bruner rose is doing itself proud --

And the aloe is blooming as well --

One of my Pals buddies, Lani, tagged me for an explain yourself quiz. So here goes....
Tagged by
LaniA) List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B) Tag seven people to do the same.
C) Do not tag the person who tagged you or tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. I
love stitching, but I
hate that it interferes with my reading.
2. I was "raised" by a white German Shepherd named Duke.
3. I was an avowed non-fan of modern art until I became completely entranced by Jenny Holzer's installation "For SAAM" at the Reynolds Center in DC last Christmas.
4. I humbly submit that there's nothing so wonderful as a soft cookie. Sure some folks might be deluded enough to like crispy cookies, but they just don't know the true beauty of a nice, soft cookie.
5. When people ask me what gift I want for some holiday I usually answer "world peace." It really annoys them. lol
6. My favorite toy when I was little was a stuffed horse that I carried everywhere. I tried riding it. I wore the fur off most of it. I even trimmed its mane when I learned that horses needed to be groomed. lol Somehow my steed's string mane never grew out again.
7. I seem to be addicted to Subway's tuna. No matter what I think I might order when I get in line, once they ask me what I want "tuna with everything and spinach and peppercinis" always comes out of my mouth.
Since the rules demand it, I'll tag:
Sonda, and
KendraGood night to all -- happy stitching!