I finally picked up a needlepoint WIP (BeauGeste/Radko red, white, and blue star ornie in Petite Sparkle Rays and Treasure Braid) and got from:

all the way to here as of last weekend:

Now I only have a little bit left! It's a miracle.
I also made progress on Mirabilia's Halloween Fairy:

And I finally got some of my previously stitched ornies semi-finished. Somehow the whole ribbon-hanger-thingy was just too much for me that night.

Oh and I did an ornie this week -- The motif is from the Beatrix Potter Quaker. I did it in Carrie's Creations Threads "Olde World Red." You know, when I got that color in I was disappointed -- it seemed to varigate suddenly from red to purple, but I have to say I think it stitches up wonderfully :)

And there's been some stash arrivals. Why I thought I needed these I do not know. I mean, seriously, when do I think I'm going to have time for these?

Despite the look of the above, it's been a mopey sort of week. My uncle passed away last weekend. He was always quite the dynamo and it certainly was hard to watch him lose to Alzheimers. I finished Pratchett's The Wintersmith recently and in the process of entertaining me immensely, it summed up how hateful the condition is -- "When you take away memories, you take away the person – everything they are." I'll have a picture to share as soon as I find it. Uncle Wendy deserves it.
Currently reading: Terry Pratchett's Sourcery (lovely) and Dashiell Hammett's The Thin Man (this is a classic? -- I mean I have a respectable collection of single malts and I like a gin an tonic as well as the next barfly, but could it be possibly to have more than two sentences in a row that don't involve drinking, being druck, or suffering from acute hangover?)
Recently finished: Pratchett's The Wintersmith ... yeah, I'm up to date on the Tiffany series
It's nice to see someone else working on needlepoint and not just cross stitch. And stash? That's how we know we will never die! We have to finish it all.
Are you coming to Gnomeward Bound? The programming is ALMOST finished and we have some good items. Jay Lake on a Liar's panel? Be there.
I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. {{hugs}}
Since when has having time to stitch it ever had anything to do with stash aquisition? LOL
Nice finishing on those pieces!
woo hoo! new stash! I'll take what you don't want *grin*
love your finishes .. cute ornaments! are you bring them to MB??
sorry about your uncle .. hard losing our loved ones :(
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