I'm tired of the heiresses named after cities. Global warming, Darfur, Afghanistan, general ignorance -- haveth we not enough to worry about without squabbles between sheriffs and judges? Just wondering in an annoyed sort of way.
I finally picked up a needlepoint WIP (BeauGeste/Radko red, white, and blue star ornie in Petite Sparkle Rays and Treasure Braid) and got from:

all the way to here as of last weekend:

Now I only have a little bit left! It's a miracle.
I also made progress on Mirabilia's Halloween Fairy:

And I finally got some of my previously stitched ornies semi-finished. Somehow the whole ribbon-hanger-thingy was just too much for me that night.

Oh and I did an ornie this week -- The motif is from the Beatrix Potter Quaker. I did it in Carrie's Creations Threads "Olde World Red." You know, when I got that color in I was disappointed -- it seemed to varigate suddenly from red to purple, but I have to say I think it stitches up wonderfully :)

And there's been some stash arrivals. Why I thought I needed these I do not know. I mean, seriously, when do I think I'm going to have time for these?

Despite the look of the above, it's been a mopey sort of week. My uncle passed away last weekend. He was always quite the dynamo and it certainly was hard to watch him lose to Alzheimers. I finished Pratchett's
The Wintersmith recently and in the process of entertaining me immensely, it summed up how hateful the condition is -- "When you take away memories, you take away the person – everything they are." I'll have a picture to share as soon as I find it. Uncle Wendy deserves it.
Currently reading: Terry Pratchett's Sourcery (lovely) and Dashiell Hammett's The Thin Man (this is a classic? -- I mean I have a respectable collection of single malts and I like a gin an tonic as well as the next barfly, but could it be possibly to have more than two sentences in a row that don't involve drinking, being druck, or suffering from acute hangover?)
Recently finished: Pratchett's
The Wintersmith ... yeah, I'm up to date on the Tiffany series