Joy in the Journey as made it all the way to here:

I have gotten this far on Beatrix:

I just love that Vicky Clayton overdye!

And the beads went in the new motif pretty well....

And then bad, bad me started soemthing new -- Rose City Stitchers from Ewe and Eye/Trilogy:

For a change I'm even using the called for threads. lol I know, it's practically a miracle.
Considering how many new things I've started so far this year I might as well have joined the January new projects challenge. lol
And I picked up more stash of sorts -- one of Danji's ginger jars-- It's only "of sorts" because a friend and I are doing it for another friend. It's not stash if it's a gift, right?

This would be what it looks like if we weren't ... say it with me.... changing most of the threads.....

This will be our pallatte:

With the primary overdyes being these Waterlilies (the really purpley one will be the dark color on the base of hte vase and the other color will be the big diamonds in the wall behind the jar):

Mostly the threads had to change because I hate perle (the green in the wall and under the jar is all perle... ick!) and the main overdye in the wall behind the jar we don't carry. What can I say, it's not a brand spanking new stitch guide. Now we have all sorts of wonderous thread opportunities. I do believe all the stitches will stay because otherwise, what's the purpose of a stitch guide? (I'm trying to experience different combos of stitches because, when left up to me, I tend to use only diagonals and pretty much the same 12-30 stitches because I like them.)
RE: that cheer thing. Work's been kind of kicking my butt. One step forward. Four steps back. I have learned ove rthe last couple weeks something very important: never admit to knowing something or recognizing something. If you admit to recognizing a given topic or job, it becomes your problem. I really should take a picture of my computer moitor at the office now. I go tso mad one day that I took those neon pink post-its and wrote "No. No. No. No....." on the top sticky band, trimmed only that off several sheets of the post-its and ringed the bottom of my monitor edge with them. A constant reminder to myself just to say "no" to helping people. I cannot begin to tell you how angry and depressed it makes me to feel the need to tell myself not to be helpful.
But having a job, and not being under a tsunami is a good thing. Also, yesterday I could eat lunch in t-shirt sleeves around the fountain at the office patio. That's good, right? Focussing on the positive..... maybe I need to sign up for yoga classes or some self-realization workshop? Dear Lord, could I get any more la-la land?
ta ta -- happy stitching and see you soon!